Getting published is one of the critical milestones in any research career. Whether you’re submitting to peer-reviewed journals, or open-access titles, your ability to attract funding, get tenure, or even land an interview at a biotech firm, can depend on what you have published. With so much at stake it’s critical to understand the ins-and-outs of the publishing process.

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In “Getting Published,” you’ll hear from leading experts in scientific publishing, including Science’s Deputy Editor for Research Valda Vinson. Our panelists will help you understand the growing importance of research collaborations, how to choose the best journal for your research, what to expect in the review process, and more.


Michelle Bennett
Deputy Scientific Director for the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), NIH.

“I will discuss strategies, approaches and tools that can facilitate the search process—as well as characteristics to look for as you decide who will be the perfect research partner(s).”

L. Michelle Bennett is the Deputy Scientific Director for the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), at the NIH. She is responsible for scientific programmatic oversight, strategic planning, and implementing strategies to support the research mission. Bennett has experience in promoting collaboration and team-based approaches by bringing together research scientists with diverse backgrounds and expertise to solve complex problems. She is co-author of the workbook “Collaboration and Team Science: A Field Guide.” Bennett has received numerous awards for her work, including NIH Merit Awards for developing strategic planning, outstanding scientific vision, improving communications, and RFA concept development.

Barbara Gastel
Professor, Department of Humanities in Medicine, Texas A&M University

“I look forward to sharing some key pointers for editing and submitting one's work and to noting some resources for those wanting to know more.”

Barbara Gastel is a professor of integrative biosciences, medical humanities, and biotechnology at Texas A&M University, where she coordinates the graduate program in science communication. Gastel has co-authored the two most recent editions of the book “How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper.” In addition, she plays a lead role in AuthorAID, an international project to help scientists in developing countries to communicate their work. She also is a fellow of AAAS and has received awards from the American Medical Writers Association, the Council of Science Editors, and the scientific research society Sigma Xi.

Valda Vinson 
Deputy Editor, Research,

“The work is done, the paper is written, but the path to publication is not always smooth. I'll give an editor’s perspective on selecting papers for publication, including things that help and things that don’t.”

Valda Vinson joined the Science staff in 1999. Since then, she has handled research papers in the areas of structural biology, biochemistry and biophysics as an associate and senior editor. In Vinson's role as Deputy Editor of Science, she oversees research content in cellular and molecular biology and biomedicine, working with biology editors to select exciting research papers and reviews. She earned an M.Sc. in Chemistry from Durban University and a Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University, with postdoctoral work in structural and biochemical studies of cytoskeletal proteins. Before joining Science, she was a senior lecturer at the University of the Western Cape, South Africa.


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