Science Roundup

Carbon Capture and Storage
Introduction to Special Issue

Carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion are a major contributor to climate change. One step toward reducing these emissions is to capture the carbon dioxide generated during combustion and store it in a suitable place. A special section of the 25 Sep 2009 Science explored some of the main approaches this process of carbon capture and sequestration (or storage) (CCS) and how they might be accomplished. A Review article discussed the technical challenges associated with the capture, transport, and storage of carbon dioxide and the political hurdles that need to be overcome for a viable CCS industry to be created. Four Perspectives highlighted specific approaches to carbon capture and sequestration, from amine scrubbing in power plants to storage in onshore geological formations and offshore sediments. And the News section offered a User's Guide to the Carbon Cycle, a map of major CCS projects around the world, and profiles of two new projects in China that mark the country's first major steps toward trapping carbon emissions.

Communication and Cognition

Ten-month-old infants will continue to look for a hidden toy at its initial hiding location even after observing that it has been moved to another location. Some theorists believe that this curious behavior indicates that infants have a profoundly different conception of the world than adults, but a new study by Topál et al. in the 4 Sep 2009 Science showing that adult domestic dogs make the same mistake, supports the alternative view that both infants and dogs persevere in erroneous searching because of communicative cues (such as eye contact) from the experimenter, leading both to follow human instruction over their own visual experience (see the related ScienceNOW story by V. Morrell). There is an interesting difference between dogs and infants, however. Dogs did not make the search error if the person hiding the object in the second location was not the same person who hid it in the first location, whereas children made the error whether the person was the same or not. The authors interpret this as evidence that children take instruction from all adults equally, considering it as general cultural information, whereas dogs are sensitive only to communication from humans in the context of following immediate orders. The team also observed that human-reared wolves do not make the same search errors as dogs or infants, suggesting that dogs have evolved a more sophisticated understanding of human communication. A podcast interview with lead author Josef Topál and a Perspective by M. Tomasello and J. Kaminski; discussed the findings.

Anti-HIV Antibodies

Despite over two decades of research, a vaccine against HIV-1 remains elusive. A top priority for researchers is the development of a vaccine that can teach the body to make potent antibodies against the many strains of the virus. These so-called "broadly neutralizing antibodies" have been shown to provide the best protection against infection in non-human primate models of the disease. Unfortunately, the handful of these antibodies found so far display limited breadth and potency and have proven difficult to exploit by means of vaccine design. Now, in a study published online in Science Express on 3 Sep 2009, an international research team reports that it has discovered the most powerful, broad-acting antibodies yet against multiple strains of HIV ( see the News story by J. Cohen). Walker et al. first collected blood from some 1800 HIV-infected patients in Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America, and then used a high-throughput culture system to screen for antibodies that could derail more than a dozen different strains of the virus. From one sub-Saharan African donor, the researchers identified two new potent and broadly neutralizing antibodies, dubbed PG9 and PG16, that could prevent infection in more than 70% of the 162 viral strains tested in cell culture. The antibodies bind trimers of the HIV envelope protein, and a motif that includes conserved regions of the gp120 subunit. The findings provide a framework for the design of new vaccine candidates that can elicit a broadly neutralizing antibody response.

Brain Energetics

The brain accounts for just 2% of our body mass, yet consumes 20% of the body's energy. Action potentials that carry electrical signals along the axon (and dendrites) and postsynaptic potentials generated by neurotransmitters that are released at the synapse and act on the target neuron both consume energy, but their respective contributions are the subject of ongoing debate. In a Report in the 11 Sep 2009 Science Alle et al. weighed in on the subject -- with some unexpected results. By combining direct recordings of currents running through rat hippocampal neurons with modeling and simulation approaches, the researchers found that neuronal impulses in the mammalian brain travel about three times more efficiently than previously thought, accounting for a surprisingly small fraction of the entire energy expenditure for neural information processing. As noted in a related ScienceNOW story by C. Willyard, the findings suggest that more energy is expended to ferry signals from one neuron to the next than to move electrical signals along the axon. An accompanying Perspective by P.J. Magistretti discussed the relevance of the results for interpreting brain imaging signals, which are tightly coupled to energy use.

Tiny Tyrannosaur

Tyrannosaurus rex is the best known of several tyrannosaurid species, which were the dominant large dinosaur predators during the Late Cretaceous. These multi-ton beings had several distinct, specialized features, including an oversized skull, huge hindlimbs, and tiny arms, that have been thought to have evolved in concert with their large size and carnivorous diet. Now, in a Report published online in Science Express on 17 Sep 2009, Sereno et al. describe a much smaller tyrannosaurid, no more than 3 meters in length, that displays these same specialized features -- and predates its larger relatives by tens of millions of years. The new species, Raptorex kriegsteini, was discovered in the Lujiatun Beds in northeast China and is estimated to be a young adult, 5 or 6 years old. As with tyrannosaurids, its skull is proportionately large -- measuring approximately 40% of its trunk length -- and was equipped with expanded jaw-closing musculature. Thorough analysis of this fossil indicates that contrary to previous thinking, characteristic tyrannosaur features evolved as an efficient predatory strategy at relatively small body size and later scaled up with little modification in descendants with body masses approaching 100 times greater.

Closer Comet Source

Long-period comets, with their eccentric orbits and periods ranging from 200 years to thousands or even millions of years, are thought to come from the outermost region of the solar system -- the Oort Cloud, which extends from 20,000 to 100,000 astronomical units (AU; 1 AU is roughly the mean distance from the Earth to the Sun). The icy bodies in the Oort Cloud are thought to be the surviving population of unincorporated remnants of planetary building blocks that were gravitationally scattered outward by the growing planets. In the 4 Sep 2009 Science (published online 30 Jul), Kaib and Quinn reported that the source of long-period comets may be closer to the Sun than previously thought. According to their simulations, Oort Cloud objects can spend most of their lives in the inner cloud -- at distances of around 3000 to 10,000 AU -- and later be nudged into the outer cloud, where they can be perturbed by planetary forces and enter visible orbits in great numbers. This dynamical pathway appears to be an important, if not the dominant source of known long-period comets. An accompanying Perspective by M. Duncan; noted that "Kaib and Quinn's prediction of the mass of the inner Oort cloud is broadly consistent with current planet-formation models" and that their results "will encourage more complete beginning-to-end simulations of Oort Cloud formation and dynamical evolution."

Marine Microbe Distribution

Quantifying the relative influence of present-day environmental conditions and geological history on the spatial distribution of species represents a major challenge in microbial ecology. In the 18 Sep 2009 Science, two Reports investigated how distribution patterns of marine microbes are shaped by dispersal on a global scale. Cermeño and Falkowski analyzed fossil diatom assemblages from the world's oceans over the past ~1.5 million years and showed that marine diatom dispersal has not been constrained by geographic barriers. Despite tremendous environmental variability linked to glacial-interglacial climates, diatom communities have evolved slowly through gradual changes over the last 1.5 million years, indicating that these communities have considerable capacity to recover from climatic variation. Moreover, the lack of dispersal limitation amongst marine diatoms suggests that biodiversity at the microbial level fundamentally differs from that of macroscopic animals and plants for which geographic isolation is a common component of speciation. Hubert et al. showed how powerful marine microbe dispersal can be. The researchers quantified the influx of spore-forming thermophilic bacteria, which are not metabolically active at cold in situ temperatures, into the cold Artic seabed and estimated that these bacteria are replenished at a rate exceeding 100 million spores per square meter per year. The findings raise questions about the origin of the thermophiles, their mode of dispersal, and the implications for wider patterns of microbial biogeography. A Perspective by D.J. Patterson highlighted the studies.

Wind Power Potential

China is the world's largest carbon dioxide producer and the world's second-largest producer of electrical power, 80% of which it generates by burning coal. Still, demand for electricity in China continues to increase at an annual rate of ~10%. An affordable, carbon-free source of electrical power generation would thus constitute an important way for China to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions and other environmental impacts of fossil fuels. In a Report 11 Sep 2009 Science, McElroy et al. estimated the potential for wind-generated electricity in China subject to the existing financial conditions and government-approved bidding process for new wind farms. The team used a compilation of global meteorological data analyzed with a state-of-the-art weather/climate model. Their analysis shows that although it would require a substantial financial investment up front, there is enough wind to generate electricity to supply the nation's entire projected demand for 2030 (about twice what is used now) at reasonable prices per kilowatt-hour.

Making Mother of Pearl

Nacre, commonly known as "mother of pearl," is a strong, smooth, iridescent layer that lines the inside of mollusk shells. It is composed of layers of uniformly oriented crystals of aragonite (a metastable form of calcium carbonate) separated by layers of organic matrix. In a Report in the 11 Sep 2009 Science (published online 13 Aug), Suzuki et al. identified two proteins, Pif 97 and Pif 80, that regulate nacre formation in the Japanese pearl oyster Pinctada fucata. After identifying the Pif proteins in a calcium carbonate-binding assay (Pif 80 and Pif 97 turn out to be cleaved from a common precursor protein), the team performed an in vivo "knockdown" experiment using RNA interference (RNAi) to confirm the proteins' function. They injected double-stranded Pif messenger RNA (mRNA) into oyster tissue. This treatment activated the cellular RNAi machinery, which catalytically degrades endogenous mRNA molecules whose sequence matches the introduced double-stranded RNA, resulting in a 50% decrease in Pif mRNA level. Moreover, the injected specimens showed dramatically reduced biomineralization and completely lost the ability to form lamellar sheets of nacre, strongly suggesting that Pif80 and Pif97 are directly involved in creating the layered arrangement of aragonite crystals in nacre. An accompanying Perspective by N. Kröger noted that "[t]he work provides the most complete data set to date for the role of any known protein involved in mollusk biomineralization."

Butterfly Navigation

North American Monarch butterflies undergo one of the most magnificent long-distance migrations observed in animals, traveling distances up to 4000 km to reach their overwintering grounds in central Mexico each fall. As with other insects, the monarch uses a time-compensated sun compass to guide its journey. This navigation mechanism uses the circadian clock to compensate for the positional change of the sun in the sky throughout the day. Now, in a Report in the 25 Sep 2009 Science, Merlin et al. provide compelling evidence that the primary timing mechanism for sun compass orientation resides in the butterflies' antennae, rather than the brain, as previously thought. The researchers observed that when the butterfly's antennae are surgically removed, the insect loses its normal southwestern orientation, even though the brain's canonical circadian clock keeps normal time (as indicated by the expression of clock genes during 24-hour cycles). And when light input to the antennae was blocked by blackening them with enamel paint, the antennal clocks started to drift out of their normal phase relationship with the prevailing lighting cycle. These findings pose a novel function for the antennae that may extend widely to other insects that use this orientation mechanism. An accompanying Perspective by C.P. Kyriacou highlighted the study, likening the butterfly antennal clock to "a standalone global positioning system that one might use while driving."

Quantum Phase Formation

Quantum critical points are continuous phase transitions occurring near absolute zero, often seen as fluctuations in electronic ordering driven by an external magnetic field. Because a quantum critical point can affect the properties of a material well above absolute zero, the search for unusual electronic phases of matter, such as unconventional superconductivity, can be aided by their presence. However, it has proven difficult to see the changes in thermodynamic properties that must occur near quantum critical points partly because the better known systems are tuned using hydrostatic pressure, and thermodynamic measurements are difficult to perform under such conditions. In a Research Article in the 11 Sep 2009 Science (published online 6 Aug), Rost et al. combined specific heat and magnetocaloric measurements to map an "entropy landscape" of the quantum criticality and phase formation in single crystals of strontium ruthenate, using magnetic field as a tuning parameter. Their results show that the spin nematic state, an analog of the molecular ordering that occurs in nematic liquid crystals, is a true thermodynamic phase. This technique should offer a way to probe other materials to reveal unusual properties, such as novel metallic states and superconductivity. An accompanying Perspective by Z. Fisk highlighted the study.

Brevia Highlights

This month in Science's Brevia section:

-- Politi et al. (4 Sep 2009) implemented a quantum algorithm to factor large numbers on an optical chip, a step that may help create large-scale quantum circuits.
-- Kvavadze et al. (11 Sep 2009) described 30,000-year-old dyed flax fibers from the foothills of Caucasus, Georgia, indicating that prehistoric hunter-gatherers were making cords for attaching handles to stone tools, weaving baskets, or sewing garments.
-- Katzourakis et al. (18 Sep 2009) found that complex retroviruses called foamy viruses -- which currently infect many mammals -- circulated among ancestral mammals ›100 million years ago, demonstrating the survival of an infections lineage of complex retroviruses across an entire geological era.
-- Aerestrup et al. (25 Sep 2009) used satellite tracking technology to map part of the spawning migration route of European eels, which travel ~5000 km from Europe to the Sargasso Sea.

In Science Signalingg

Focus on Redox Signaling

Reduction-oxidation (redox) reactions produce reactive species that regulate cellular behavior. This month, Science Signaling featured several articles that provide insight into the pathological potential of reactive oxygen species (ROS), as well as the important physiological signals that the reactive molecules transmit and the biological processes that they regulate. In the 15 Sep issue, Research Articles by Diaz et al. and Gianni et al., highlighted in a Perspective by A.M. Weaver, reported new findings on the role of ROS in invadopodia -- cellular structures associated with cancer cell invasiveness. In the 29 Sep issue, a Perspective by Wong and Shimamoto discussed hydrogen peroxide as a stress signal in plants, and a Review by Rudolph and Freeman focused on how protein modification by redox reaction byproducts affects metabolism and inflammation. An Editorial Guide by N.R. Gough considered how each of these articles contributes to understanding ROS modulation of local and long-distance signals.

Also in Science Signaling this month:
-- Firaguay and Nunès described a method for using antibodies that recognize the activation state of signaling proteins combined with flow cytometry to detect the activity of signaling pathways (1 Sep 2009)
-- Huang et al. reviewed the mechanisms by which the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) contributes to glioma (8 Sep 2009)
-- Gomez et al. reported findings on how the Leishmania parasite inhibits the host immune response (29 Sep 2009)

Image credits (in order of appearance): Science cover, 25 September 2009; Christina Corbaci and Rob Pejchal; Paul Sereno; Darlyne A. Murawski; Elizabeth A. Sellers /