Science Roundup

This month’s Science Roundup is sponsored by Qiagen
NEW: QIAgility Rotor-Gene Q
Automated solutions for quantitative PCR

Promoting Intellectual Discovery

Patents are generally viewed as an effective way to promote intellectual discovery because they provide strong incentives to invest in effort, the cost of which can be recuperated from the earnings generated by applications of the discovery. But the patent system has also been criticized on various grounds including unfairness (only the winner is compensated for effort) and the potential for the patent's ownership to become fragmented, which could inhibit further discovery. In a Report in the 6 Mar 2009 Science, Meloso et al.  reported on an alternative approach to spurring innovation. In a series of experiments involving the "knapsack problem" -- in which participants have to determine the most valuable subset of objects that can fit in a knapsack of fixed volume -- the team compared the performance of a patent-like prize system and a market-based reward system. In the patent system, a cash prize went to the first participant with the winning solution. In the market system, however, participants were allowed to trade shares in the various objects such that each item in the winning solution awarded dividends. The researchers found that the correct solution to the problem was found under both the prize and market systems, but that more participants discovered the solution in the market system (listen to the podcast interview with senior author Peter Bossaerts). They contend that rewarding only a single winner in the prize system may discourage others from spending effort, whereas in the market-based system, participants are more motivated because everyone in principle has the potential to be compensated. An accompanying Perspective by D. K. Levine noted that "the study lays the groundwork for future experimental investigations of alternative compensation systems for inducing innovation."

Brain Stimulation and Parkinson's

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) sends pulses of electric current through electrodes implanted deep inside the brain and has proven to be an effective treatment for motor dysfunction in people suffering from Parkinson's disease. Nevertheless, it is a highly invasive procedure, and despite its successes, remarkably little is known about how DBS works. Two studies reported in Science this month investigated the mechanisms of deep brain stimulation and a promising, less-invasive procedure with similar beneficial effects (see the related News Focus by G. Miller).

- Gradinaru et al. (published online in Science Express on 19 Mar 2009) used a sophisticated combination of genetic engineering and optics to dissect the neural circuitry in the subthalamic nucleus (STN), a common target for DBS therapy. Parkinsonian mice were engineered with genes encoding light-sensitive ion pumps and channels, enabling researchers to selectively stimulate or inhibit them using pulses of laser light delivered by an optical fiber inserted into the brain. The team found that neither squelching nor stimulating neuronal firing improved mouse movement, but that direct selective stimulation of axons that carry signals into the STN from other areas, including the primary motor cortex, had a therapeutic effect. In addition to providing insight into DBS mechanisms, the results demonstrate the power of optogenetics for systematically dissecting the circuits involved in brain disorders.

-- Fuentes et al. (20 Mar 2009) tested electrical stimulation of the spinal cord dorsal column as an alternative to DBS. They found that the procedure dramatically improved locomotion in mouse and rat models of Parkinson's, and thus could become an efficient and less invasive alternative for treatment of the disease. The team also monitored neural activity in the basal ganglia and motor cortex during spinal stimulation. These recordings suggested that spinal stimulation helps restore normal communication between these two brain regions by disrupting abnormal oscillations in neural firing caused by dopamine depletion (a main cause of motor impairment).

Self-Repairing Coatings

Polyurethanes are versatile polymeric materials known for their hardness and elasticity, but they can still suffer from mechanical damage. Now, in a Report in the 13 Mar 2009 Science, Ghosh and Urban describe the development of a new polyurethane material that can repair itself simply upon exposure to ultraviolet light and could thus be useful for scratch-resistance coatings for objects from cars to furniture. The new material is a network consisting of polyurethane and compounds called oxetane-substituted chitosan precursors. Chitosan is a derivative of chitin, the structural component of the exoskeletons of insects and crustaceans; oxetane is a four-membered ring with three carbon atoms and one oxygen atom with the molecular formula. Upon mechanical damage of the network, the oxetane rings open to create two reactive ends. When then exposed to ultraviolet light, the chitosan chains are cut and form crosslinks with the reactive oxetane ends, thus repairing the material. The material can repair itself in less than an hour, and because the crosslinking reactions are not moisture sensitive, dry or humid climate conditions do not affect the repair process. Senior author Marek Urban discussed the work in a related podcast interview.

Out of the Deep

Scientists have long sought to unravel the combination of physical and biogeochemical processes responsible for the tight coupling between atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations and Earth's climate. Researchers suspect that the Southern Ocean may have provided a reservoir for atmospheric carbon dioxide during cold glacial periods, and that release of some of this carbon dioxide could help explain why atmospheric concentrations rose by roughly 50% during each of the last five deglaciations. In a Research Article in the 13 Mar 2009 Science, Anderson et al. reported that vigorous wind-driven upwelling in the Southern Ocean may have coaxed carbon dioxide out of deep waters and into the atmosphere during the last deglaciation, about 17,000 years ago. The team used the burial rate of biogenic opal, the silica cell walls of marine diatoms, as a proxy for ocean upwelling. Diatoms grow and thrive in sunlit surface waters but depend on the silica and other nutrients that are abundant in deeper waters. Because the total amount of biogenic opal produced each year is ultimately limited by the supply of dissolved silica, changes in the production and burial of opal can be tied to changes in ocean upwelling. The team found that opal burial rates, and thus upwelling, increased during the transition out of the last ice age in each sector of the Southern Ocean. They also found evidence for two intervals of enhanced upwelling concurrent with the two intervals of rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations during deglaciation. A related Perspective by J. R. Toggweiler explained how a poleward shift of the westerly winds, drawing more carbon dioxide- and silica-rich water up to the surface, can account for these results.

Herding Herring

Many species of oceanic fish band together in large groups called shoals that can span tens of kilometers and involve hundreds of millions of individuals. These groups offer survival advantages including enhanced mating and predator avoidance, but little has been known about how they form -- until now. In a Report in the 27 March 2009 Science, Makris et al. documented the formation and dynamics of shoals of Atlantic herring, which come together every evening in early autumn to spawn (see the related ScienceNOW story by J. Kaiser). The team used an imaging technology called Ocean Acoustic Waveguide Remote Sensing, which enables real-time, continuous monitoring of fish populations over tens of thousands of square kilometers over periods of days. They found that shoaling begins in deep water when clusters of a few individual herring reach a critical density of 0.2 fish per square meter near sunset. These leading clusters then aggregate more closely together and attract other fish in horizontal waves, leading to the formation of dense shoals (>5 fish per square meter) over tens of kilometers within tens of minutes -- an order of magnitude faster than the speed at which herring swim. The shoals then migrate to shallower spawning grounds, remaining stable through the evening, and then dissipate with sunrise. The new observations are consistent with general theoretical predictions, as well as simulations and laboratory experiments on animal swarming behavior, and could provide information useful to the conservation of marine ecosystems that vast oceanic fish shoals inhabit.

Antarctic Meltdown

Over the past several decades, the climate of the western shelf of the Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) has been transitioning from a cold and dry polar-type climate to a warmer, more humid climate marked by retreating glaciers. As a result, populations of species that depend on sea ice -- such as krill and Adelie penguins -- are being displaced poleward and replaced by other species that are typically averse to ice. According to a Report by Montes-Hugo et al. in the 13 Mar 2009 Science, climate-related shifts at the base of the marine food web may be contributing to these displacements. Using three decades of satellite and field data, the team documented that ocean biological productivity, inferred from concentrations of chlorophyll, has significantly changed along the WAP. The team attributes this to shifting patterns of ice cover, cloud formation, and windiness affecting water-column mixing. In the northern region of the WAP, the skies have become cloudier, reducing the amount of light reaching phytoplankton. Less light, together with less freshwater from melting sea ice and stronger winds, both of which inhibit water column stratifications, results in lower plankton productivity. By contrast, in the southern region, the skies are staying cloudless for longer and the Antarctic current has increased its flow rate, pulling up more micronutrients and thus contributing to greater primary productivity. These regional changes in phytoplankton coincide with observed shifts in krill, fish, and penguin populations in the western Antarctic.

Clues to Hardy Wheat

Given the growing human population and increased food demand worldwide, improved strategies to reduce crop losses due to pathogens are vital. Understanding the molecular basis of specific plant resistances has enabled the development of crop varieties that resist common diseases. Now, two Reports in the 6 Mar 2009 Science (published online 19 Feb 2009) offer insight into the molecular mechanisms that control durable, broad-spectrum fungal disease resistance in wheat, the second-most-produced cereal crop in the world. Fu et al. cloned the Yr36 gene, which confers resistance to a devastating fungal disease called stripe rust. This gene encodes a kinase domain as well as a lipid-binding domain, suggesting a role for plant lipids in cell signaling mechanisms that confer disease resistance. Moreover, Yr36 is present in wild wheat but absent in almost all modern commercial varieties of pasta and bread wheat, and could therefore be used to improve resistance to stripe rust in a broad set of varieties through backcrossing. Krattinger et al. cloned the gene Lr34, which is associated with resistance to leaf rust, stripe rust, and powdery mildew. The team found that the LR34 protein resembles so-called ABC transporters, or pleiotropic drug resistance transporters, which move diverse chemical compounds, including plant natural products, across membranes. Lr34 also appears to be involved in leaf senescence (the shedding of old leaves), which could aid disease resistance. Alternatively, LR34 may play a direct role in resistance by exporting metabolites that affect fungal growth. An accompanying Perspective by D. J. Kliebenstein and H. C. Rowe highlighted the studies.

Superelastic Aerogel Muscles

New materials that can convert electrical, chemical, thermal, or photonic energy into mechanical energy are being investigated with growing vigor, as these materials could be used to generate force, move objects, and accomplish work. In a Research Article in the 20 Mar 2009 Science, Aliev et al. described the development of artificial muscles that have the strength and stiffness of steel by weight in one direction and are more compliant than rubber in the other two directions. The new materials consist of sheets of multi-walled carbon nanotubes formed into aerogels that are only slightly denser than air. When electrically charged, the nanotube sheets can reversibly stretch to 220% of their original width or thickness within milliseconds. They can also be frozen in place. The aerogel muscles are capable of handling dozens of times more stress than natural skeletal muscle and could be useful in medical devices, robots, and aerospace applications requiring specialized materials with very low mass. An accompanying Perspective by J. D. W. Madden  noted that the discovery "should inspire the development of new nanostructured materials whose stiff, long, and carefully arranged elements enable exquisite tailoring of material properties."

Earliest Horse Harnessing

The domestication of wild horses changed the course of human history, revolutionizing transport, communications, and specialized forms of warfare. Genetic studies of modern domestic horse breeds have implied either multiple domestication events or domestic stallions from a single original lineage being bred with captured local wild mares, but have failed to clearly identify when and where horse domestication first took place. In a Report in the 6 Mar 2009 Science, Outram et al. presented three independent lines of evidence that point to early horse domestication in the Botai culture, located in what is now northern Kazakhstan from 5700 to 5100 years ago. First, bone measurements indicate that Botai horses more closely resembled slender Bronze Age domestic horses than the sturdier wild horses in the region. Second, several skulls of Botai horses showed damage to the skeletal tissues of the mouth that typically occurs when a horse is ridden or driven with a bit/bridle. Finally, isotope data from fragments of Botai pottery revealed the presence of horse fat residues, including milk fats, which suggests that the vessels were used for the processing of mare's milk and carcass products and thus that the animals were used as a dietary staple.

Stealthy Transmission

Intracellular bacterial pathogens have evolved a variety of strategies to exploit host cell resources in order to replicate while staying out of reach of the host's immune system. In the 27 March 2009 Science, Hagedorn et al. reported that in the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum, a model system for cellular infection, mycobacterial pathogens can slip undetected from host cell to host cell via specialized exit structures called ejectosomes. The ejectosome is a barrel-shaped actin structure surrounding a mycobacterium that is rupturing through the host cell plasma membrane. It is generated by mycobacteria that have escaped from phagosomes (pathogen-containing vacuoles) into the cytoplasm and requires a cytoskeleton regulator from the host and the mycobacterial virulence locus RD1. The tuberculosis-causing pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis might use a similar type of structure to spread between human macrophages during infection, which might point to new avenues of drug discovery research. An accompanying Perspective by F. Carlsson and E. J. Brown highlighted the Report.

Heating the Solar Atmosphere

The temperature of the Sun increases markedly as one moves from its surface to the outer layers of its atmosphere (the corona) -- from about 6000 degrees to a million degrees Celsius. Curiously, although a variety of magnetic waves flow through the solar atmosphere, they do not carry enough energy to generate the corona's extreme heat. In a Report in the 20 Mar 2009 Science Jess et al. reported the detection of Alfvén waves -- high-velocity, twisting magnetic waves that have long been hypothesized to heat the solar atmosphere, but have not before been unambiguously detected (listen to the related podcast interview with lead author David Jess). Using the Swedish Solar Telescope in the Canary Islands and optic techniques to remove the blurring due to Earth's turbulent atmosphere, the team was able to obtain high-resolution images of the solar surface and observe oscillations coming from a large group of magnetic bright points about 430,000 square kilometers in area that bear the signatures of Alfvén waves. The team surmises that the waves are driven upward from the sun's photosphere (its visible surface) in the form of a flaring tube to the bottom of the corona 5000 kilometers above. As noted in an accompanying News story by R. A. Kerr, the team calculates that there are enough bright point groups on the surface of the sun for the Alfvén waves to heat the corona to its observed million degrees.

In Science Signaling

Intrinsically Responsive

Signaling through the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway is important for mediating the response to osmotic stress in yeast cells. Upon exposure to high osmolarity, the MAPK pathway is activated and culminates in the transcription of genes that help the cell avoid physiological damage. In a Research Article in the 24 March 2009 issue, Macia et al. reported that inhibiting the kinase activity of the MAPK Hog1 does not prevent the accumulation of its phosphorylated form, suggesting that signaling through this pathway occurs even in the absence of osmotic stress. The researchers found that this basal signaling is held in check by a negative feedback loop that requires the kinase activity of Hog1. A mathematical model that includes the basal signaling and negative feedback recapitulates the experimental data and suggests that intrinsic basal signaling poises the system to respond rapidly even to small changes in osmolarity. A similar basal activity was also detected for two additional yeast MAPKs involved in the pheromone response, suggesting that high basal signaling may be a common property of MAPK pathways.

Also in Science Signaling this month:
-- Levy et al. discussed the evolutionary reasons for why all protein-protein interactions need not be functional (3 March 2009)
-- Roy et al. highlighted recent research on a bacterial protein that posttranslationally modifies and inactivates GTPases in host cells (17 March 2009)
-- Depoil et al. presented a slideshow illustrating morphological events during B cell activation in response to antigen-presenting cells (24 March 2009)
-- Takei described a phosphorylation event that enables neurite outgrowth, a prerequisite for axonal regeneration, in the central nervous system (31 March 2009)

This month’s Science Roundup is sponsored by Qiagen
NEW: QIAgility Rotor-Gene Q
Automated solutions for quantitative PCR

Image credits (in order of appearance): Alex Aravanis and Karl Deisseroth/Stanford; Nicholas Makris; Stephen Ausmus/Agricultural Research Service, USDA; Alan K. Outram; D.B. Jess