This month in Science Roundup:
The Microbial World
Special Online
Advances in genome-sequencing technology are allowing previously uncultured
organisms to be probed in their natural environments, whether they live
intimately with us in our guts or in the far, deep sludge of the ocean's
abyss. In the 23 May 2008 issue, Science and its online companion
Science Signaling explored the stunning diversity and dynamics
of the microbial universe. In Science, News stories looked
at the hidden microbial world inside sponges and the challenges of developing
a solid microbe classification system, while Review articles described
the microbial processes that drive earth's biogeochemical cycles and
approaches to understanding the distribution of microbial taxa and their
traits. Elsewhere in the magazine, News stories and research papers
investigated topics from the resident microbes on human skin and in
mammalian guts to life beneath the ocean floor, and an Editorial discussed
using microbes to help address society's energy, environmental, and
food challenges. In Science Signaling, three Perspectives explored
how different plant pathogens use similar signaling molecules in distinct
ways, how gut microbes dampen the host immune response, and how mast
cells use extracellular traps to kill microbes.
Airborne Pollutants and Inflammation
Inhalation of particulate airborne pollutants, such as asbestos and
silica, can cause inflammation of the lungs, fibrosis, and lung cancer.
How these substances exert their effects, however, is poorly understood.
In a Report in the 2 May 2008 Science, Dostert
et al. (published online 10 Apr) provided important molecular insights
into how noxious inhaled particles lead to inflammation and disease.
The team showed that asbestos and silica are sensed by a multiprotein
complex known as the Nalp3 inflammasome, whose subsequent activation
leads to a potent inflammatory response. Activation of the inflammasome
is triggered by reactive oxygen species, which are released by immune
cells (macrophages) in an effort to neutralize engulfed pathogens or
toxins. The team also found that mice deficient in Nalp3 showed reduced
lung inflammation in response to asbestos inhalation, supporting the
idea that this inflammatory sensing complex plays a key role in the
response to respiratory pollutants. The researchers further suggest
than Anakinra, a drug used in the treatment of autoinflammatory syndromes
including rheumatoid arthritis, might be used to slow down the progression
of asbestosis, silicosis, and possible other inflammatory lung diseases.
An accompanying Perspective
by L.A.J. O'Neill highlighted the study.
Water-Assisted Feeding
Water molecules are attracted more to each other than they are to air.
The resulting surface tension makes it possible for water to flow to
the tops of trees (capillary action) and allows some insects to walk
on water. In a Report in the 16 May 2008 Science, Prakash
et al. demonstrated the importance of this surface tension to the
feeding mechanism of long-beaked shorebirds called phalaropes. By swimming
in a tight circle on the water surface, the bird first generates a vortex
that draws underlying fluid and suspended prey (crustaceans or other
invertebrates) toward the surface. As it spins, it dips its beaks into
the water, capturing a drop of fluid and food between the halves of
the beak. The geometry of the bird's open beak prevents suction from
being used to raise the drops mouthward. Instead, by repeatedly opening
and closing its beak in a tweezering motion, the bird moves the drop
from the tip of its beak to its mouth in a stepwise ratcheting fashion.
In laboratory experiments with a mechanical beak, the researchers showed
that the beak geometry and wetting properties, as well as the dynamics
of tweezering, can be tuned to optimize transport efficiency. Senior
author Dr. John Bush talked about the work in a related podcast
interview, and a related Perspective
by M.W. Denny discussed how "[c]ollaboration among biologists,
engineers, mathematicians, and physicists has produced exciting advances
in our understanding of surface tension's effects in both nature and
Circadian Insights
Circadian rhythms are daily rhythmic variations in physiology and behavior
that are found in organisms as diverse as animals, plants, and fungi.
Two Reports in Science this month offered new insights into
circadian timekeeping in mammals.
et al. (16 May 2008) identified adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cAMP)
signaling in the mouse suprachiasmatic nuclei (located in the hypothalamus)
as a core component of the mammalian circadian pacemaker. The team showed
that rhythmic oscillations in cAMP-mediated cytoplasmic signaling sustain
transcriptional feedback loops -- whereby circadian genes are periodically
suppressed by their protein products -- and determine the fundamental
pacemaker properties of amplitude, phase, and period. An accompanying
by M.C. Harrisingh and M.N. Nitabach discussed how models of circadian
timekeeping mechanisms in plants and flies, as well as mammals, are
expanding to include intracellular small-molecule signals.
et al. (23 May 2008) found that in addition to the light-driven
circadian clock that resides in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the mouse
brain (and presumably the brains of other mammals) contains a second
circadian clock -- located in the dorsomedial hypothalamus -- that is
entrained by food. Their data indicate that this second clock can override
the light-entrained clock when the animal is faced with limited food,
thus taking over control of functions such as wake/sleep rhythms and
activity levels so they can match the availability of food. Senior author
Dr. Cliff Saper discussed the work in a related podcast
Self-Organizing Division Machinery
One way to understand a complex biological process is to reconstitute
it from purified components in vitro. Two Reports in the 9 May 2008
Science demonstrated that even the intricacies of cell division
can be reconstituted in a cell-free system. In bacteria, so-called Min
proteins oscillate from end to end of a cell to select the appropriate
division site. Loose
et al. found that in a simple in vitro system containing a lipid
bilayer to mimic the cell membrane and ATP for energy, two Min proteins
-- MinD and MinE -- self-organize into waves and spirals along the bilayer.
These dynamic patterns persisted for hours and could account for the
behavior of these proteins in vivo. In another study, Osawa
et al. (published online 17 Apr) focused on FtsZ, a tubulin homolog,
and the primary cell division proteins in most bacteria and archaea.
It is tethered to the membrane by FtsA, and together with a dozen other
proteins, assembles into the Z ring which constricts to divide the cell.
The team constructed a membrane-tethered FtsZ (eliminating the need
for FtsA) and showed that that when mixed with simple lipid vesicles,
FtsZ spontaneously assembled into multiple Z rings that formed indentations
along the vesicles. These findings suggest that FtsZ itself can assemble
the Z ring and generate the force capable of initiating constriction
of a dividing cell. An accompanying Perspective
by J. Lutkenhaus highlighted the studies.
Nouns in the Brain
The question of how the human brain represents and organizes conceptual
knowledge seems impossibly complicated to answer, given how even simple
nouns, such as "celery," might be expected to activate neurons in various
areas, such as those involved in eating and tasting. In a Research Article
in the 30 May 2008 Science, Mitchell
et al. described a computational model that can actually predict
the human brain activity associated with the meanings of nouns. The
model is based upon a theory that represents nouns as 25-dimensional
vectors, where each dimension is a sensory-motor feature such as eating
or smelling. The vectors are computed from the co-occurrences of words
within a trillion-word text catalog that captures typical word use.
The researchers "trained" the model with observed functional
magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data from subjects presented with
60 images of concrete nouns (such as "celery," "foot,"
and "cow") and found that it can identify a noun that has
not been included in the training set and predict the pattern of neural
activity when a subject is shown a picture of a new noun. The results
thus establish a direct, predictive relationship between the statistics
of word co-occurrence in text and the neural activation associated with
thinking about word meanings.
Seaweed and the First Americans
Monte Verde, Chile provides some of the best evidence for the early
peopling of the Americas prior to the widespread Paleo-Indian Clovis
culture. In a Report in the 9 May 2008 Science, Dillehay
et al. presented carbon-14 dates of seaweed discovered at Monte
Verde that further reinforce the site's antiquity and provide evidence
that its early settlers used a variety of marine resources. While sifting
through previously excavated sediments from hearths and braziers, the
team recovered the remains of nine species of marine algae as well as
three stone tools -- one with seaweed remains on its working edge. Accelerator
mass spectrometry on two samples dates them to about 14,000 years ago,
which is consistent with dates derived from wood artifacts and charcoal
found at the site. Many of the species are edible and are used today
as medicinal plants by local indigenous people. Moreover, the species
represent different environments (marine, estuarine, and terrestrial
coastline), and differences in seasonal availability, both of which
suggest that early Monte Verdeans had an intimate familiarity with these
coastal resources. The data also lend support to the idea that early
settlement of South America took place along the Pacific coast. A News
story by M. Balter highlighted the Report.
Probing Martian Land and Ice
Two studies in Science this month presented analyses of martian
mineral and ice deposits -- made possible by instruments aboard the
Spirit rover and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter -- that offer new insights
into the geologic history and ancient environmental conditions on the
red planet.
et al. (23 May 2008) reported the discovery of silica-rich deposits
on Mars by the rover Spirit. Thermal emission data show that the deposits
-- which include nodules on an outcrop, rock samples, and light-colored
soil turned up by the rover wheels -- are opaline silica (as opposed
to crystalline forms like quartz) and are likely to have formed by hydrothermal
activity at low pH, perhaps associated with volcanism. As noted by Dr.
Squyres in a related podcast
interview, the discovery is particularly important for understanding
the past habitability of Mars because hydrothermal environments on Earth
support thriving microbial ecosystems.
et al. (30 May 2008, published online 15 May) presented radar sounding
data, captured by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, of the planet's thick
north polar ice cap. The data reveal four dust-rich layers, separated
by layers of nearly pure ice, that can be explained by likely variations
in Mars' orbit or axial tilt (see the News
story by R.A Kerr in the 16 May issue). The polar cap only slightly
depresses the underlying crust, which implies that the lithosphere beneath
the cap is more than 300 km thick. And because the stiffness of the
rocks is connected to temperature, the findings also imply that the
martian interior is extremely cold. An accompanying Perspective
by M. Grott discussed how the new data challenge current notions about
the planet's geologic and thermal history.
Echoes of a Supernova Explosion
Cassiopeia A is the youngest supernova remnant known in the Milky Way
galaxy and the brightest radio emitter in the sky. Based on its observed
expansion, astronomers estimate that the explosion that produced it
occurred about 300 years ago. Due to the lack of recorded observations
at the time of the explosion, however, little is known about what kind
of supernova it originated from. Now, in a study in the 30 May 2008
Science, Krause
et al. report observations of a scattered "light echo"
of Cassiopeia A, three centuries after the direct light from the explosion
swept past Earth. Taken with a multiband imaging photometer instrument
aboard the Spitzer Space Telescope, the spectrum shows that Cassiopeia
A was a type IIb supernova and originated from the collapse of the helium
core of a red supergiant star that had lost most of its hydrogen envelope
before exploding. An accompanying Perspective
by A.C. Fabian and a podcast
interview with lead author of the study, Dr. Oliver Krause, highlighted
the findings.
Ocean Oxygen Loss
Because the solubility of oxygen decreases as water temperature increases,
climate models predict an overall decline in oceanic dissolved oxygen
concentration as a result of global warming. This could have dramatic
consequences for marine life and coastal economies. In a Report in the
2 May 2008 Science, Stramma
et al. constructed 50-year time series of dissolved oxygen concentrations
in the tropical Atlantic and equatorial Pacific using historic data
and recently measured oxygen profiles. Consistent with model predictions,
levels of dissolved oxygen have dropped in some cases by more than 15%
during the past 5 decades. Moreover, the time series show a clear vertical
expansion of low-oxygen zones, particularly in the eastern tropical
Atlantic. Given that these trends affect carbon and nitrogen cycles,
and have important implications for marine ecoystems and fisheries resource
management issues, continued global ocean measurements of dissolved
oxygen concentrations are needed. A ScienceNOW
story by P. Berardelli highlighted the study.
How the Sahara Dried
One of the most dramatic environmental changes of the past 10,000 years
has been the transition of northern Africa from a "green Sahara"
to the world's largest desert. Desiccation has eradicated all but a
few natural archives recording this transition, thus hampering efforts
to discern exactly when and how fast the Sahara dried out. In a Research
Article in the 9 May 2008 Science, Kröpelin
et al. reported on a lake sediment record that sheds new light on
the history of Saharan climate and ecosystem change (see the related
story by M. Tatalovic). The record comes from Lake Yao in northern
Chad, one of the few Saharan lakes in which sediments have continuously
accumulated during the past 11,500 years. Analysis of salinity and dust
deposition, as well as biological indicators such as pollen, spores,
and the remains of aquatic biota, reveal a gradual change in the ecosystem
that took place from 6000 to 2700 years ago -- not an abrupt change
as has been hypothesized. The data show a slow reduction in the abundance
of tropical vegetation, followed by the loss of grass cover, and the
eventual establishment of the desert plant community of today. Dr. Kröpelin
discussed the work in a related podcast
interview, and an accompanying Perspective
by J.A. Holmes highlighted the findings.
Making Stronger Steel
Stronger, tougher steels are constantly needed to improve safety in
transportation, architectural flexibility in construction, and performance
in heavy machinery. For structural steels to maintain their strength
and toughness, however, they cannot be used at temperatures below the
so called ductile-brittle transition temperature -- at which the metal
starts to weaken and fracture. Avoiding this problem usually requires
the addition of a number of alloying elements that can substantially
raise the cost of the steel. Now, in a study in the 23 May 2008 Science,
et al. report on the development of low-alloy steel that grows stronger
and tougher as the temperature is lowered. The team processed the steel
through a combination of grain refinement and precipitation hardening
to produce an elongated grain structure and fibrous texture that resists
cracking. This approach does not require adding a large amount of alloy
elements and surpasses the toughness of maraging steel, which is the
strongest structural material used today. An accompanying Perspective
by J. W. Morris Jr. noted that "[a]s advances in the understanding
of brittle fracture and the control of microstructure feed into the
design of new structural steels, more exciting results of this kind
can be expected."
Unified Laser Theory
From CD and DVD players to fiber optic communications, laser technology
has become a common presence in everyday life. The design of most laser
devices relies on our understanding of conventional lasers, in which
light is tightly confined between two mirrors that define a resonant
cavity, leading to the build-up of a coherent excited state and subsequent
emission into a single optical mode. However, advances in nanofabrication
techniques have led to the development of novel laser systems whose
description falls outside the scope of conventional laser theory. In
so-called diffuse random lasers, for example, a set of particles embedded
in an active material scatter light without a light-confinement mechanism.
In a Report in the 2 May 2008 Science, Türeci
et al. described a theoretical approach to understanding the nature
of lasing in these complex structures. The researchers explain that
there is competition between different excitation modes and that the
interaction of these modes ultimately determines both the emitted frequencies
of the random lasers and their corresponding intensities. As noted in
an accompanying Perspective
by J. Bravo-Abad and M. Soljacic, the new theory "may inspire the
design of substantially different classes of structures that could be
the basis of improved laser-based devices."
In Science Signaling
VGF and Antidepressant Responses
Recent studies have identified adaptations of intracellular signaling
pathways and target genes that could contribute or modulate the action
of antidepressant drugs, as well as exercise-mediated antidepressant
responses. There is also growing evidence that growth factors may be
important mediators of antidepressant responses. In a Perspective
in the 6 May 2008 issue, J.E. Malberg and L.M. Monteggia highlighted
two independent studies whose results suggest that VGF, a neuropeptide
previously shown to be involved in maintaining organismal energy balance
and mediating hippocampal synaptic plasticity, may also be involved
in mediating antidepressant responses. Whereas one group sought to identify
downstream targets of exercise, and the other focused on gene expression
changes that were common following elevation of two putative mediators
of antidepressant efficacy, both groups identified VGF. This suggests
a point of convergence between exercise and antidepressant signaling.
The groups also examined the behavioral effect of VGF in rodent models
of depression and found that VGF infusions into the brain altered the
behavior of the animals similar to effects observed following exercise
or administration of antidepressants. Further studies will be needed
to elucidate the mechanism(s) by which VGF exerts its effects.
Also in Science Signaling this month:
Adler and A.M VanHook, in a podcast, explained how some glial cells
can generate action potentials and are hypersensitive to ischemic injury
(6 May 2008)
Cance and V.M. Golubovskaya discussed how interactions between focal
adhesion kinase and the tumor suppressor protein p53 affect cell survival
(20 May 2008)
Kay and K. Toth reviewed the evidence for zinc as a regulator of
synaptic activity (13 May 2008)
--A new
section featuring online information about experimental design,
methods, reagents, and data analysis was added to ST NetWatch