This month in Science Roundup:
Plant Genomes
Special Online Collection
Plants play an integral role in human life and in the environment: In
addition to providing food and oxygen, plants mitigate the impacts of
greenhouse gases, enrich soils that nurture other living things, and
provide valuable fuels, fibers, and medicines. In a special section
of the 25 April 2008 issue, Science explored how current knowledge
of plant genomes is lending insights to investigations from plant biochemistry
to ecosystems. Perspectives discussed a range of topics including plant
genome structure and organization, the effects of natural variation
on phenotype, and plant metabolism, while articles in the News section
highlighted some of the successes and challenges facing genetically
modified plants. On Science Online, an interactive presentation
featuring video commentary, informational graphics, and an animation
highlighted how plant genome research is contributing to our understanding
of plant biology and evolution and leading to tangible benefits for
society. Science Careers looked and the breadth of research
experiences and career opportunities afforded by plant genomics, and
News writer E. Youngsteadt spoke with several scientists at the recent
50th Annual Maize Genetics Conference in a related podcast
Antibiotic-Consuming Bacteria
Although antibiotics remain a crucial line of defense against bacterial
infections, the spread of multiple-antibiotic resistance in human pathogens
has been alarming. New results reported in the 4 Apr 2008 Science
add to concerns about the dwindling power of our main weapons against
infection. In a survey of soil microbes isolated from 11 diverse sites,
et al. discovered hundreds of bacteria that were able to subsist
on 18 different antibiotics -- including natural and synthetic compounds
-- as their sole carbon source. Phylogenetic profiling of these bacteria
revealed species from several different phyla, including many that are
closely related to human pathogens. Furthermore, each antibiotic-consuming
isolate was resistant to multiple antibiotics at clinically relevant
concentrations. The phenomenon suggests that this previously unrecognized
source of antibiotic-consuming bacteria represents a potential reservoir
of antibiotic resistance genes for pathogenic bacteria. An News
story by M. Leslie and a podcast
interview with senior author Dr. George Church highlighted the findings.
Cooperative Neuron Guidance
Coordinating motor and sensory pathways in the nervous system ensures
efficient execution of bodily movements. Motor neurons in the spinal
cord extend axons that drive peripheral muscle contraction, while sensory
neurons send feedback to motor neurons about muscle position, touch,
and pain. How do these pathways remain coordinated but not entangled?
In a Report in the 11 Apr 2008 Science, Gallarda
et al. explained that cell contact-dependent communication between
adjacent motor and sensory neurons prevents miswiring of developing
neural circuits. The team showed that in mice, axons carrying signals
from spinal cord to muscle are kept separate from those going in the
opposite direction by ephrin/Eph receptor signaling. In general, these
protein families guide axons to their targets by enabling growth cones
to communicate with surrounding cells. The researchers found that ephrin
signaling controls the repulsion of motor neurons from neighboring sensory
neurons and that this repulsive signaling not only inhibits the intermingling
of sensory and motor axons, but also blocks motor axons from projecting
in the wrong direction and infiltrating sensory pathways. An accompanying
by K. K. Murai and E. B. Pasquale noted that findings such as these
"will continue to guide our understanding of developing and remodeling
events that control neural circuit assembly and function."
Tracking Seasonal Influenza
Influenza viruses infect 5 to 15% of the global population on average,
resulting in ~500,000 deaths annually. Despite substantial progress
in many areas of influenza research, questions such as when and to what
extent the virus will evolve and spread remain unanswered. In a Research
Article in the 18 Apr 2008 Science, Russell
et al. used antigenic and genetic analyses of hemagglutinin (a viral
surface protein targeted by the immune system) as a marker to investigate
the global evolution and epidemiology of influenza A (H3N2) viruses
from 2002 to 2007. Their analysis shows that influenza epidemics were
seeded each year by viruses that originated in East and Southeast Asia.
Moreover, the researchers found evidence that temporally overlapping
epidemics in the region create a circulation network in which the viruses
continually circulate by passing from epidemic to epidemic. Travel and
trade connections explain the global dissemination of influenza strains
on a one-way route out of Asia, taking about 6 to 9 months to reach
Europe and North America. Several months later, these strains arrive
at their evolutionary graveyard in South America. The results suggest
that the antigenic characteristics of currently circulating viruses
in east and Southeast Asia may be useful for forecasting global vaccine
needs. A related News
story by M. Enserink profiled senior author of the study Derek Smith,
and Smith, along with first author Colin Russell, discussed the work
in a podcast
Phosphatidylserine Insights
Lipids are increasingly recognized as essential for cells to transduce
signals. The membrane lipid phosphatidylserine (PS), for example, is
important for initiating blood coagulation and for the clearance of
dead cell remnants (apoptotic bodies). Two Reports in the 25 Apr 2008
Science provided further insights into the biology of phosphatidylserine.
identified an enzyme in Caenorhabditis elegans, aminophospholipid
translocase 1 (TAT-1), which appears to restrict PS to the inner side
of the plasma membrane in normal cells. Without this enzyme, PS is abnormally
exposed on the cell surface, a situation that leads otherwise healthy
cells to be randomly engulfed by neighboring phagocytes via a process
dependent on a PS receptor. Meanwhile, Mercer
and Helenius revealed a role of phosphatidylserine in viral infection.
Using live-cell imaging of a vaccinia virus infecting cultured cells,
the team found that exposed PS in the viral membrane is required for
viral entry. In the late stage of vaccinia virus infection, a host cell
undergoes apoptosis and externalizes PS in its plasma membrane. A virus
budding from this cell thereby acquires a membrane envelope that exposes
PS on its outer surface, thus stimulating noninfected cells to uptake
the virus in a process similar to the engulfment of apoptotic cell debris.
An accompanying Perspective
by G. D. Fairn and S. Grinstein highlighted the studies.
Mercury on the Move
Mercury is a persistent contaminant in river ecosystems worldwide and
can cause mortality, reproductive failure, and other health effects
in predatory wildlife and humans. According to a Brevium in the 18 Apr
2008 Science, aquatic mercury can also affect animals in adjacent
terrestrial habitats. Scientists have long focused on bioaccumulation
of mercury in aquatic birds, but in the new study, Cristol
et al. document contamination of birds and insects in the woods
around a mercury-contaminated river. Specifically, the team found potentially
harmful mercury levels in the blood and feathers of 12 terrestrial bird
species that live near the Shenandoah River in the eastern United States,
which has been tainted by industrial mercury. Diet analysis revealed
that insects and arachnids -- particularly predatory spiders -- delivered
much of the dietary mercury to these birds. In a related podcast
interview, Dr. Cristol noted that the next steps will be to determine
the mechanism(s) by which the spiders are accumulating mercury and to
examine how widespread the movement of aquatic mercury into terrestrial
food webs is.
Breaking the Clovis Barrier
A decade ago, most archaeologists believed that the first people in
America were the so-called Clovis people, who left distinctive stone
tools across the United States and Central America beginning about 13,000
years ago. But evidence for an earlier peopling of the Americas has
been steadily growing. In a Report published online in Science
Express on 3 Apr 2008, Gilbert
et al. reported the identification of ancient DNA from fossilized
human feces (coprolites) from an Oregon cave that predates the Clovis
culture by about 1000 years (see the related News
story by M. Balter in the 4 Apr issue). Using accelerator mass spectrometry,
the team dated the coprolites to about 14,000 years ago. In addition,
mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) with genetic signatures typical of Native
Americans -- and not shared by any other population groups -- was extracted
from six of the 14 coprolites that were examined. Based on analyses
of mtDNA isolated from the excavation team members as well as researchers
back in the lab, the researchers believe that modern contamination is
unlikely to explain their findings. The team also performed experiments
to exclude the possibility that they had sampled DNA that had leached
from younger to older stratigraphic layers in the cave. Senior author
Dr. Eske Willerslev discussed the work in a podcast
Ocean Acid Test
One of the worrying consequences of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide
is ocean acidification. As the oceans absorb carbon dioxide, the pH
will drop, making it more difficult for calcifying organisms such as
corals to produce and maintain their skeletons. Now, in a study in the
18 Apr 2008 Science, Iglesias-Rodriguez
et al. report that the response of calcifying organisms to ocean
acidification may be much more complex than previously thought. The
team presented laboratory evidence that, contrary to expectation, high
atmospheric carbon dioxide levels actually increase calcification and
net primary production in the coccolithophore species Emiliania
huxleyi (a type of marine phytoplankton). These results appear
to be consistent with evidence from the deep ocean, which indicate that
there has been a 40% increase in average coccolith mass over the past
220 years (see the ScienceNOW
story by P. Berardelli). As noted in an accompanying Perspective
by V. J. Fabry, published online 17 Apr, differential responses of marine
calcifiers to elevated carbon dioxide levels could result in "competitive
advantages that could drive the reorganization of many planktonic and
benthic ecosystems, which in turn could have significant ecological
and biogeochemical implications."
Racetrack Memory
Today, there are two main means of storing digital information: solid-state
random access memories, which are fast but expensive, and hard disk
drives, which are cheap but slow. Recent developments in the controlled
movement of domain walls (interfaces between regions of different magnetization
direction) in magnetic nanowires, by short pulses of spin-polarized
current, hold promise for a new type of memory device with the high
performance and reliability of conventional solid-state memory at the
low cost of hard disk storage. In a Review in the 11 Apr 2008 Science,
et al. explained the basic concept of these so-called "racetrack
memory" systems, in which bits of information consist of magnetized
"domains" pushed along metal nanowires by flowing electrons.
Researchers read the data bits by measuring the wire's resistance, which
is affected by the "walls" between oppositely magnetized domains.
Theoretically, arrays of racetracks can be built on a chip to enable
high-density data storage. In a related Report, Hayashi
et al. provided proof of the racetrack memory concept, showing that
it is possible to shift multiple domain walls to and fro along a magnetic
wire repeatedly at high speed using nanosecond current pulses without
any external magnetic fields. As noted in an accompanying News
story by A. Cho only time will tell whether racetrack memory will
emerge as a commercially viable technology.
Synchronizing Rock Clocks
Precise measurement of geological time is a prerequisite for understanding
Earth's history. Numerical calibration of the geological time scale
is currently based on independent radioisotopic (argon-argon) dating
and astronomical dating of cyclic sedimentary layers that reflect precisely
timed variations in Earth's orbit. However, these techniques yield discrepancies
of ~1.0%, or 1 million years in a 100-million-year-old age, with the
astronomical method providing more precise ages for the younger part
of the time scale, and the argon method providing better dates for older
intervals. As reported in the 25 April 2008 Science, Kuiper
et al. have now improved the accuracy of the calibration by an order
of magnitude. The researchers compared astronomical and argon-argon
ages of layered marine deposits in Morocco to calibrate the age of Colorado's
Fish Canyon Tuff, which is the most widely used standard in argon-argon
geochronology. By their recalibration, the Fish Canyon standard is 0.65%
older than previously thought. The researchers also recalculated some
key dates in geologic history and push back the Cretaceous/Tertiary
boundary and the accompanying mass extinction from 65.5 million years
ago to about 66 million years ago. A News
story by R. A. Kerr highlighted the study.
Graphite Whiskers in Meteorites
Meteorites retain a record of the earliest period of our solar system's
history, before the planets were born. As such, they hold clues to the
variety of local stellar sources that contributed to our protoplanetary
disk and the physical and chemical processes that occurred within it.
In a Report in the 4 Apr 2008 Science, Fries
and Steele (published online 28 Feb) reported the discovery of needle-like
carbon structures called graphite whiskers in grains of several primitive
meteorites. These whiskers have been postulated to be responsible for
affecting the brightness of type 1a supernovae (used as a distance measure
in astronomy) and the cosmic microwave background. The researchers identified
the whiskers using Raman imaging and electron microscopy and suggest
that they likely condensed from the early hot solar nebula and may be
present in other stellar systems. As noted in an accompanying Perspective
by P. A. Bland, the next step will be to extend the search to the most
primitive meteorites, cosmic dust, and cometary samples to identify
whiskers that exhibit isotopic signatures characteristic of formation
in the atmosphere of stars other than the Sun.
In Science Signaling
SRC-3 in the Balance
Overexpression of nuclear receptor coactivators is a frequent event
in breast cancer cells, and is key to their proliferation. Foremost
among these coactivators is SRC-3, which becomes overexpressed in more
than 50% of breast cancers. Because of its oncogenic potential, normal
cells must carefully control its cellular concentration. In a Perspective
in the 1 Apr 2008 issue, D. M. Lonard and B. W. O'Malley proposed a
model for how cellular concentration of SRC-3 influences the estrogen-regulated
growth of normal and cancerous breast cells. In normal cells, a limiting
concentration of SRC-3 leads to competition among transcription factors
for SRC-3 binding, and incomplete interaction with estrogen receptor
(ER) bound to the promoters of estrogen-regulated genes, thus leading
to lower level activation of these growth-promoting genes. In breast
cancer cells, overexpression of SRC-3 leads to saturation of the coactivator
at the promoters growth related genes and supports a maximum rate of
replication for these cancer cells. Transcription-coupled degradation
of SRC-3 may function as a safety mechanism to curtail the activity
of this potentially dangerous oncogene.
Also in Science Signaling this month:
-- E.
Canalis highlighted recent evidence establishing a role for Notch
signaling in bone remodeling (29 Apr 2008)
-- M.
Lackmann and A. W. Boyd looked at developments in our understanding
of Eph receptors, which are involved in guiding organ development and
patterning of the vascular, skeletal, and nervous systems (15 Apr 2008)
-- Liu
et al. discussed the role of calpains -- a family of cystein proteases
-- in synaptic function, memory formation, and neurotoxicity (8 Apr