Bio-Med Roundup

This month in Bio-Med Roundup:
    • Gibson et al. reported the creation of a bacterial cell controlled by a chemically synthesized genome.
    • Taniguchi et al. quantified the E. coli proteome and transcriptome with single-molecule sensitivity in singe cells.
    • Yuan et al. described the structure of the gating apparatus of a voltage- and calcium-activated potassium channel.
    • Ouchi et al. found that fat cells secrete an anti-inflammatory factor that has beneficial effects on metabolic health.
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Creation of a Bacterial Cell Controlled by a Chemically Synthesized Genome (2 July 2010)
D. G. Gibson et al.
A synthetic Mycoplasma mycoides genome transplanted into M. capricolum was able to control the host cell.
See related Policy Forum

Genetic Evidence for High-Altitude Adaptation in Tibet (2 July 2010)
T. S. Simonson et al.
A candidate gene approach reveals genes under selection in humans living at high altitudes.
See related Perspective

Sequencing of 50 Human Exomes Reveals Adaptation to High Altitude (2 July 2010)
X. Yi et al.
Sequencing coding regions identified genetic changes that were likely involved in adaptation to hypoxia.
See related Perspective

Genomic Analysis of Organismal Complexity in the Multicellular Green Alga Volvox carteri (9 July 2010)
S. E. Prochnik et al.
Comparison of the Chlamydomonas and Volvox genomes show few differences, despite their divergent life histories.

Chromosome Size Differences May Affect Meiosis and Genome Size (16 July 2010)
J. Wang et al.
Deletions and insertions affect chromosome segregation in the worm Caenorhabditis elegans.

The Landscape of C. elegans 3' UTRs (23 July 2010)
M. Mangone et al.
Genome-wide analysis of the nematode worm indicates a role for complex expression of 3' untranslated regions in development.


Genome-Wide Reprogramming in the Mouse Germ Line Entails the Base Excision Repair Pathway (2 July 2010)
P. Hajkova et al.
Removing epigenetic marks early in mammalian development involves a DNA damage repair pathway.

Increased Mutagenesis and Unique Mutation Signature Associated with Mitotic Gene Conversion (2 July 2010)
W. M. Hicks et al.
Repair of double-strand breaks in the genome is accompanied by highly elevated levels of mutagenesis.

Ku70 Corrupts DNA Repair in the Absence of the Fanconi Anemia Pathway (9 July 2010)
P. Pace et al.
A specific pathway protects damaged DNA from error-prone repair.

Small Peptides Switch the Transcriptional Activity of Shavenbaby During Drosophila Embryogenesis (16 July 2010)
T. Kondo et al.
A conserved locus in insects encodes four small peptides that shift a transcription factor from repressor into activator. See related Perspective

Integrative Modeling Defines the Nova Splicing-Regulatory Network and Its Combinatorial Controls (23 July 2010)
C. Zhang et al.
Network modeling reveals an RNA splicing network in the brain and uncovers complex mechanisms of regulation.

Quantifying E. coli Proteome and Transcriptome with Single-Molecule Sensitivity in Single Cells (30 July 2010)
Y. Taniguchi et al.
Measurement of protein and messenger RNA copy numbers in single Escherichia coli cells gives a system-wide view of stochastic gene expression.
See related Perspective


Structure of the Human BK Channel Ca2+-Activation Apparatus at 3.0 Å Resolution (9 July 2010)
P. Yuan et al.
A tetramer of two regulatory domains forms a gating ring that regulates calcium ion activation.
See related Perspective

Computational Design of an Enzyme Catalyst for a Stereoselective Bimolecular Diels-Alder Reaction (16 July 2010)
J. B. Siegel et al.
Synthetic enzymes catalyze a carbon-carbon bond-forming reaction with high stereoselectivity and substrate specificity.
See related Perspective

The Structure of cbb3 Cytochrome Oxidase Provides Insights into Proton Pumping (16 July 2010)
S. Buschmann et al.
The third class of heme-copper oxidases reveals new structural solutions to achieve redox-driven proton translocation.

Functional Modules and Structural Basis of Conformational Coupling in Mitochondrial Complex I (23 July 2010)
C. Hunte et al.
A long helix transduces conformational energy to the proton-pumping elements in complex I.

An Electronic Bus Bar Lies in the Core of Cytochrome bc1 (23 July 2010)
M. S´wierczek et al.
Electrons move across the entire structure of a functional dimer of an enzyme central to cellular bioenergetics.

Microbial Biosynthesis of Alkanes (30 July 2010)
A. Schirmer et al.
Alkane biosynthesis genes were identified in cyanobacteria and engineered into Escherichia coli for recombinant hydrocarbon production.


An Autophagy-Enhancing Drug Promotes Degradation of Mutant α1-Antitrypsin Z and Reduces Hepatic Fibrosis (9 July 2010)
T. Hidvegi et al.
A mouse model of a human liver disease can be treated using a drug known to be well tolerated.
See related Perspective

Reactivation of Hepatic EPO Synthesis in Mice After PHD Loss (23 July 2010)
Y. A. Minamishima and W. G. Kaelin Jr.
Stimulating erythropoietin production in the mouse liver points to a treatment for anemia caused by chronic kidney disease.

Sfrp5 Is an Anti-Inflammatory Adipokine That Modulates Metabolic Dysfunction in Obesity (23 July 2010)
N. Ouchi et al.
Fat cells secrete an anti-inflammatory factor that has beneficial effects on metabolic health.
See related Perspective

Muscle Dysfunction Caused by a KATP Channel Mutation in Neonatal Diabetes Is Neuronal in Origin (23 July 2010)
R. H. Clark et al.
Identification of the origin of muscle weakness that accompanies a form of neonatal diabetes may lead to safer therapies.

Tissue-Engineered Lungs for in Vivo Implantation (30 July 2010)
T. H. Petersen et al.
Decellularized rat lungs rebuilt with new cells in vitro can function at a rudimentary level when implanted back into a rat.
See related Perspective

Identification of a Cell of Origin for Human Prostate Cancer (30 July 2010)
A. S. Goldstein et al.
A new experimental model identifies basal cells, rather than luminal cells, as the origin of prostate cancer.


Adaptation via Symbiosis: Recent Spread of a Drosophila Defensive Symbiont (9 July 2010)
J. Jaenike et al.
A bacterium protects fruit flies against a sterilizing worm parasite.

A Molecular Clock for Malaria Parasites (9 July 2010)
R. E. Ricklefs and D. C. Outlaw
Relative rates of nucleotide substitution between host and parasite cytochrome b set the molecular clock for malaria.

Staphylococcus aureus Nonribosomal Peptide Secondary Metabolites Regulate Virulence (16 July 2010)
M. A. Wyatt et al.
Dipeptides produced by a major bacterial pathogen are essential for successful infection.

Chemoattraction to Dimethylsulfoniopropionate Throughout the Marine Microbial Food Web (16 July 2010)
J. R. Seymour et al.
A microfluidics device reveals a common response of bacterial plankton to sulfur compounds emitted by marine algae.


Genetic Reactivation of Cone Photoreceptors Restores Visual Responses in Retinitis Pigmentosa (23 July 2010)
V. Busskamp et al.
A bacterial ion pump rescues visual function in damaged cone-photoreceptor cells in mouse models of retinitis pigmentosa.
See related Perspective

Dnmt3a-Dependent Nonpromoter DNA Methylation Facilitates Transcription of Neurogenic Genes (23 July 2010)
H. Wu et al.
DNA methylation is normally repressive but can activate genes when the methylated sites lie outside promoter regions.

Dopaminergic Network Differences in Human Impulsivity (30 July 2010)
J. W. Buckholtz et al.
Highly impulsive individuals have diminished regulatory control of dopamine release.

Astrocytes Control Breathing Through pH-Dependent Release of ATP (30 July 2010)
A. V. Gourine et al.
Central nervous system glial cells are key players in the chemo-reflex essential for breathing.


Gamete Recognition in Mice Depends on the Cleavage Status of an Egg’s Zona Pellucida Protein (9 July 2010)
G. Gahlay et al.
The cleavage status of the egg protein ZP2 regulates the recognition of sperm and prevents adherence of sperm to the two-cell embryo.

Hedgehog Signaling Regulates Segment Formation in the Annelid Platynereis (16 July 2010)
N. Dray et al.
The processes that pattern body segmentation in annelids and arthropods both require the same signaling mechanism.

A Septin Diffusion Barrier at the Base of the Primary Cilium Maintains Ciliary Membrane Protein Distribution (23 July 2010)
Q. Hu et al.
Signaling proteins are retained in the cilium by a diffusion barrier created by a member of the septin family.

Btbd7 Regulates Epithelial Cell Dynamics and Branching Morphogenesis (30 July 2010)
T. Onodera et al.
A regulatory gene suppresses cell adhesion and enhances cell motility to help form branched organs.


Reprogramming of T Cells to Natural Killer–Like Cells upon Bcl11b Deletion (2 July 2010)
P. Li et al.
An Early T Cell Lineage Commitment Checkpoint Dependent on the Transcription Factor Bcl11b (2 July 2010)
L. Li et al.
An Essential Developmental Checkpoint for Production of the T Cell Lineage (2 July 2010)
T. Ikawa et al.
A transcription factor is essential for maintenance of T cell identity.
See related Perspective


Sphagnum Moss Disperses Spores with Vortex Rings (23 July 2010)
D. L. Whitaker and J. Edwards
Fluid dynamics similar to those known to drive smoke rings shoot moss spores far and wide.
See related Perspective

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