Happy Birthday, Science!  


Here is what some of our members have to say about 125 years of Science:

Science and Technology are critical to the future of our nation. We must recommit ourselves to fighting the barriers in whatever form they take.

Pat Ford-Roegner
Executive Director
American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE)
Washington, DC 20006

Dear Science:

Happy birthday to you!

I haven't known that you are so many centuries old before; 125 is more than 5 times my age. But I know that Science is one of the most influential magazines in China. It is sometimes a standard to judge a paper wonderful or normal by what it can publish in science or not.

I am a beginner in my field, so I have to read lots of papers and other articles out of time, and science gives me the chance to study many new knowledges. Give my pure-hearted thanks to you.

Best wishes!

J. Chen

Happy Birthday to one of the most remarkable scientific journals!

Prof. Maria Dolores GARRALDA
U. D. de Antropologia Fisica
Facultad de Biologia
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Ciudad Universitaria
Madrid (Spain)

Happy Birthday, Science

Ye Bang-Ce
East China University of Science and Technology
Shanghai, China

Scientists worldwide would hope to celebrate Science forever!

Congratulations on your 125th!

Jordi Quintana, Ph.D.
Molecular Modelling and Cheminformatics
Laboratorios Dr. Esteve, S.A.
Av. Mare de Déu de Montserrat, 221
08041 Barcelona, Spain

Happy Birthday, Science. Hopefully the older the better you are. Keep up the excellent work.
Way to go, Science!

Happy 125th. Best wishes to the editor, editorial staff and publications management staff. Thanks for the information, knowledge, and discussions we offer to the scientific community and moreover to society.
Congratulations for this anniversary.

Daniel Parzy, Prof, MD PHD
Research Unit in Pharmacology
and Parasitic Physiopathologie (UR3P)
13998 Marseille Armées

Happy birthday to Science which has been contributing to the progress of mankind taking majestic strides and setting new standards of scientific creativity and excellence.


Dear Science!

Congratulations with Birthday!
I am looking forward to many more years of exciting science news ahead.

Best regards
Vladimir I. Outkin
Professor, Corresponding Member of RAS

Institute of Geophysics of UB RAS
Amundsen str. 100
620016 Yekaterinburg, RUSSIA

I am a member of AAAS. Your journal has been a hallmark in bringing science to what it is today. It is my lifetime goal to have a publication
in your journal.

Happy Birthday. May you stand tall into the next century.

Jayasri Basu, PhD
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Bronx, New York.

Congratulations to the entire editorial team on this anniversary and looking forward to read your informative and educative reports for the next 125 years! Thank you for doing such a great job!
Dr. Rajan T.D.
Hon. Dermatologist & Venereologist
CMPH Medical College, Mumbai,

Congratulations on reaching this impressive milestone and continuing to bring us all the latest in science research. You provide excellent material for my high school biology students and keep me abreast of the latest information. Thanks so much!

L.K. Williamson

Congratulations on the 125th birthday! Best wishes to the editors, editorial staff and all the people contributing to the outstanding journal. As a newcomer to the scientific research, I am dreaming to share my experience and achievement in the famous journal one day, wishing it come true sooner.

Xuewei Wang
Pharmaceutical Informatics Institute,
College of Pharmaceutical Science,Zhejiang University
Hangzhou City,Zhejiang Province,P.R.China,310027

Be happy!

Olga Malinovskaya
student, MEPHI, Moscow

You are the precious source of priceless information for all thinking creatures living in a dummy-oriented society!
Thank you,
Andrew Portnov

Dear editor,
When I heard about the 125th birthday of Science, I was very delighted. Here, let me congratulate that the Science magazine is more and more important for the nature and science of all the world!

Genban Sun
Department of Chemistry
Beijing Normal University

Happy birthday, SCIENCE! Please continue to give us the latest in science for another 125 years - and beyond.

Felix Kopstein

My best wishes to the outstanding SCIENCE magazine on its 125th birthday.

N Arumugam
F&V, Mangolpuri I
New Delhi, India

Thanks for a great publication and Happy Birthday.

Ellen Durckel Medical producer KHOU-TV

Happy Birthday. May you stand tall into the next century.
Jayasri Basu, PhD
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Bronx, New York.

To be a scientist it was my dream since a little girl. Now I am a family physician with your help. I hope to make my dreams comes true. Happy 125th birthday. Long live science.

Best wishes,

Congratulations on the 125th anniversary of Science magazine. Thank you for all the contributions that have made the world a better place to live.

Ninette Hacopian DDS, MSc
Dental Research Center

Dear Science,
"Many many Happy returns of the Day"
Happy Birthday


Congratulations, All the best!

Hugh Atrill

AAAS, what an organization! I am so privileged to be a member! Science, what a journal! I am so lucky to have a subscription. How much have I learned from reading it? Let me count the articles ... Nah! It would take too long!

Happy birthday Science! Thanks for countless hours of fun reading!

All the best to your marvellous staff!

Jerome L. Sackman
Professor Emeritus of Engineering Science
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of California at Berkeley

I remember reading the synopses back in the 70's in the printed journal.

Now, it's the first thing I look at every Friday morning in my e-mail-- 1st editors choice & then selected brevia.

Just as in the 70's, I find there's much I don't understand, but am delighted to learn a bit from the little that I can follow.

Keep up the good work and thanks for being there.

Science is forty years older than I, and looks much better.
E.G. Meyer, Fellow, AAAS

Happy birthday to YOU
Bogdan Zalewski

Happy birthday and congratulations to AAAS. I hope to make it to your 200th (science permitting).

Dr. Leland S. Shapiro, Director
Pre-Veterinary Science Program
Professor of Animal Sciences
L.A. Pierce College
Woodland Hills, CA 91371

Happy Birthday, Science,
I have been reading you since I was a doctoral student--more than 30 years. Celebrate you contributions to the world of science.
Bonnie Holaday

Congratulations for your 125th. I am student of Postgrad in Natural Resources and Reader of the interesting articles of Science journal since 2002.


Victor Manuel Wilson Corral
Student of Postgrade in Natural Resources
in "Centro de Estudios Justo Sierra"
Sinaloa, México.

Dear colleagues!

My congratulations with the 125th anniversary. Thank you very much for your hard and useful work. Articles in Science are interesting and most of them are very important.

With thanks, Irina Ermakova,
Dr. of Biology, Moscow, Russia

Happy birthday to the first journal I ever had a subscription to! And thank you for publishing so much that is so useful to my thesis on the reproductive endocrinology of dolphins! I was able to pull two articles in just the previous few weeks.

Sharon Homer-DrummondGraduate Research Assistant

Congratulations, Science, for 125 years of publication of many important topics in the modern science. Happy 125th Birthday.

Miguel Delgado
Department of Anthropology
UNiversity of Cauca, Colombia

Congratulations to Science for its 125th Birthday! Science has offered me and countless others many hours of fascinating readings. It brings news of many discoveries and keeps alive the passion to learn new things issue after issue. Best wishes to all those who have made it possible.

Dr. Andrea Vianello, MA, PhD

United Kingdom

Happy Birthday. I feel bad I did not even send a card. Continued success in charting, prompting, and promoting advances in understanding our many worlds. Alan Kazdin

Alan E. Kazdin, Ph.D.
Child Study Center
Yale University School of Medicine
New Haven, CT 06520

A great event. Good luck and good SCIENCE further on.

Wolf A. Kafka

It is our great pleasure to celebrate 125 years birthday of Science!

Best Regards,

J. B. Wang

Faculty of Materilas and Optoelectronic Physics
Xiangtan University, Xiangtan 411105, Hunan
P. R. China

SCIENCE has lately been a very popular magazine among the active scientists of the world. It is guessed that it should have continued to be so for its entire 125 yrs of existence. My friends and colleagues join me in wishing SCIENCE its continued popularity among the scientists of the world perpetually.
SPS Consultants,
C-190, Sarita Vihar,
New Delhi (India)

Happy birthday to SCIENCE. A fruitful and merritoroius service in the scienctifc pursuit.

Dr.Ussuf Kodenchery

Congratulations to Science. With reference to Dr. Kennedy's excellent editorial: May the questions grow ever more difficult and may the human race survive to read the 150th year's edition of Science!
David R. Webb, PhD
Vice President, Research
Executive R & D
San Diego, CA 92121

Thank you so much for cultivating my desire, passion and curiosity to learn more about this beautiful universe. I salute you for making this world a better place for "all" its inhabitants.

Keith Baker

I have been quite a new member of the Science family with 2 years of past only. However, it is a great feeling to be sharing the feelings of the people who are directing the evolution of humanitarian accomplishments. As only 27, I look forward to living through many innovations from the AAAS family.

Sühan Gürer

I am very glad to express my congratulations to the 125th anniversary of Science magazine and those people who devote to edit and publish Science magazine on this special day of my birthday because I love science and learn a lot from Science.

Zhong-Zhi Yang

Happy Birthday!

Wang Bohr, M.D. in P.R. China.

Happy 125th Birthday, Science. A bright light without which the world would be a much darker place. Congratulations on the 125th anniversary of Science magazine, from friends of the BZU, which continues to promote the important history in the fields of Science, Education, Agriculture, Pharmacy, Engineering and Social, Political and Management Sciences.

Anwar Manzoor Rana,
Department of Physics,
Bahauddin Zakariya University,
Multan-60800, Pakistan.

Happy birthday to a superb journal.

Myna Panemangalore, PhD
Nutrition and Health Program
Kentucky State University
Frankfort, KY

Happy birthday, SCIENCE!

Thanks a lot for your work in these 125 years that helps us to know all the scientific news in advance...I wish you 125 more years and I hope that one day you will publish also my articles!!!

MONICA, biologist student

I wish you all the best in years to come.

Biljana Stojkovic
Dept. Genetics and Evolution
Faculty of Biology
University of Belgrade
Serbia and Montenegro

Happy birthday. Keep on rejuvenating!
Reginald Griffith, Trinidad and Tobago

Congratulations for 125 years! We are reading with love.
Per procurationem of member of Biophysic department of SPbSPU V.Shelegedin

I am a subscriber of your journal since several years and I have never felt annoyed.
The reason is that reading Science is a great adventure.
Congratulations for your 125th birthday.

Lorenzo ROSSI, PhD
Institute of Microbiology
University of Genoa
Genova Italy

Parabéns, Science!
(Happy birthday or congratulations in portuguese)
Parabéns for the excellence of the published science.
Parabéns for keeping such high standards during 125 years.
Parabéns for existing!

Patrícia B. Malafaya

3B's Research Group
Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics

Department of Polymer Engineering
University of Minho
Campus de Gualtar

I joined AAAS few months ago. Besides my topics of interest, I find in Science rational and intriguing approaches to many topics that are not directly connected to my work. This is excellence in publishing. Happy 125th Birthday.

Branko Drakulic, M.S.
Department of Chemistry - Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy
Serbia and Montenegro

Excellent performance. Many happy returns.

Richard Idem Somiari, PhD
President & CSO
ITSI - Biosciences
Johnstown, PA

Science, representing the AAAS, truly reflects the essence of being a scientist.

Happy Birthday,

Declan Naughton
Professor of Biomolecular Sciences
Kingston Unversity

Heartfelt congratulations on 125th anniversary of Science issue.


Ashok Kumar,Research Fellow
YDG,Institute of Microbial TECHnology
Chandigarh INDIA

Happy 125th. Congratulations on the 125th anniversary of Science magazine from friends of China.

Best wishes,

Yan Bai

I would like send my birthday greetings using the words of Eric Haffer:
“The leader has to be practical and a realist yet must talk the language of the visionary and the idealist.”
This has been true for the past for your/our work, and should be taken as a challenge for future performance.

Dr.Albert Röder
Genelux Corp.
San Diego,CA
Genelux GmbH
Bernried, Germany

Happy Birthday to Science! Keep up the good work!

Ray Butler

Service to mankind is service to GOD. Science has accompolished this noble service for 125 years to the scientific world. Let it carry till eternity. The Department of Biotechnology from Alagappa University wishes Science good luck for the rest of the years.

P. Nithyanand

Research Scholar
Department of Biotechnology
Alagappa University
Karaikudi - 630 003

Happy birthday, and thanks for many years of highly relevant and very useful information concerning everything important to science and its future. May you continue to grow older with the wisdom you are known for!

Ben Prickril, Ph.D.
Chief Scientific Officer
World Life Sciences Forum, BioVision
Lyon , France

Congratulations for 125 years of work.

Dragutin Roksandic
Department of histology and embrilogy
faculty of veterinary medicine

Happy Birthday, Science!



Best wishes to the editor, editorial staff and publications management staff for their outstanding work in maintaining Science as the outstanding general scientific society journal after 125 years of publication.

Happy 125th birthday!
Patrick Garnier
Saint Gobain Recherche

We all wait for the e-TOC each week. A very good single source of science information. We all wish you many happy returns of the day.

T. N. Ghosh
Ex-Professor of Protozoology
Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine
Calcutta India

Happy birthday.

Many greetings from Germany.


I'm very glad to hear that you are celebrating your 125th birthday!


Herzlichen Glückwunsch Science zum 125sten Geburtstag!

Mit freundlichem Gruß
ppa. Dr. Peter Kalisch

Diehl Stiftung & Co. KG
Zentrale Technologie

Thank you, Science, for all precious knowledge you carry on our desk: it is a real source of new ideas, inspiration, spur and teaching.
Happy birthday!

Clelia Altieri
Scientist in Food Microbiology
University of Foggia
Dept. Food Science

Hi, Science!

Happy birthday to you... with a lot of tequila!

Science is a global asset! It's been bringing significant influence on knowledge transfer and communication in the scientific world. Warmest congratulations and thanks to all of the authors, editors and publishing staff!

Pinar Kondu



Happy birthday, SCIENCE. It feels great being a member of your family. I just love you.

Ferdaus Hassan
Graduate Student
Aichi Medical University
Aichi. Japan

It is very nice to see that Science journal embraces its 125th birthday. As one of the leading journals in the scientific world, Science has come out to be highly successful and influential. Therefore, I have a wish that the journal will go further when keeping its terrific quality. And moreover, readers worldwide including China will have more convenient access to it without having to worry about the limit that only the subscribers can read the full text. But now it's the case in China, comparing from which I guess it was better last year. Anyway, I still like reading the partly free full text research articles a year before.
All my best wishes!

Help us breathe intellectually while we last on this planet!
Happy birthday, SCIENCE!!
Thank you for being around and helping to brighten the light of the world.

Kathy Krivit

Wishing Science magazine, "many many happy returns
of the day".

Congratulations to the editors, publishers and AAAS
for providing excellent scientific articles.

With regards
sriramana Kanginakudru

Laboratory of Molecular Genetics
Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics
Hyderabad, INDIA

Happy 125th Birthday, Science. I am enjoying Science and AAAS membership. I can read some papers free and you send the newest abstracts to my e-mail. Best wishes to the editor, editorial staff and publication management staff for your outstanding work.

Jiying Tan.

Congratulations on the 125th anniversary of Science magazine! Best wishes to the editor, editorial staff and publications management staff for their outstanding work in maintaining Science as the outstanding journal and I'll look forward to more and more important scientific achievements flood from AAAS.

Dr. Fu-Sheng Yang
Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany
Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Beijing, China

A great Happy Birthday wish for the 125 years young Science from a regular reader for the last 30 years. I wish to see more science per issue in future (make it some more pages per issue!).

Robin Mukhopadhyaya, Ph.D.
Chief, Virology Lab.,
Tata Memorial Centre,
Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research & Education in Cancer (ACTREC)
Kharghar, Navi Mumbai - 410 208

It is a great time for Science! Happy birthday!


Yuhui Luo, PhD
Center for Advanced Research in Photonics
Department of Electronic Engineering
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, N.T.
Hong Kong, China

I wish to add my birthday wish for AAAS’s Science
journal’s 125th Birthday.

Mingyang Chen

Happy, Happy Birthday to Science. You are the GREATEST.

Bertram Stiller

Congratulations for 125 years' outstanding work! We have benefited and continue to benefit from Science.

Dr. Heqin Liu

I was around to wish you a Happy 75th, a Happy 100th and now a Happy 125th Birthday. Perhaps Science will soon publish an article which will allow me to help Science celebrate its 150th Birthday !!! Keep up the good work....Science is the best!!

Arthur E. Cohen, MD,MS,MPH,Sc.D.(hon)
Keene, NH

I would be very glad to send my most passionate greeting to the Science magazine. It is a great magazine, which can supply the most recent and innovative ideas to different kinds of researchers. And I wish it will become better and better.
Good luck! My Science.

Yin Huiqiong

Thanks for providing such a wonderful resource for learning. Keep up the great work!
John M. Teeters

My dear Science,

Happy birthday to you!

125 years may be old for a human being, but for you, so vigorous and youthful. Dear Science, I love you forever. Today is your birthday, plz and plz happily say hello to all the guests from the world.

Best wishes to my Science.

Yours affectionately,

Hongping Zhao, Tsinghua University, China

Heartiest congratulations to all who made it possible for Science magazine to promote high quality science, spread science news and enlighten all who inquire within its pages and even those that don't.
J. Marie Hardwick
AAAS Fellow

Congratulations AAAS on the first 125 years!
Here's to many more years to keep us well informed and well educated. Keep believing in your mission and dare to dream of a more wonderful future for everybody!

Glenn G. Whiteside

As a graduate student and postdoc, I avidly read the job ads; as a faculty member I avidly read the latest reports in my field. Now, as a Dean, I read the whole thing -- it is not only always interesting, but helps me keep abreast of the latest discoveries in the fields of my research faculty from six disparate departments. I've "grown up" as a scientist with SCIENCE -- but while I'll continue to age, SCIENCE will be forever young!

Best wishes to everyone on the staff,

Gail M. Simmons, Ph.D.
Dean of Science and Technology
The College of Staten Island of CUNY
Staten Island, NY

Congratulations! I remember when I began my Ph.D. work reading an article on Vitamin A in Science in 1962. Many many years of service to science!

P. G. Nayar, Ph.D.

Congratulations on 125 years. That is an amazing accomplishment, especially when you think of all the magazines that have come and gone in that time. Keep up the good work.

Tom Cote
The Ballantine Corporation
Wayne, New Jersey

Greetings from Fermilab, and may the next 125 years be just as excellent!

Cheyne Scoby

Happy Birthday to Science, the first science magazine that I read each week. Science just gets better each year. In particular, I like the issues that focus on microbiology. I also like some of the Science covers very much. Some covers qualify as art and I wish Science would sell some of my favorite covers in poster size.
LeLeng Isaacs, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair
Bio Department
Goucher College

You don't look a day older than 100!

But you have done more to inform and enrich lives than 10^125. Thanks!

Philip Coleman
Ithaca College

Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday to you .....Dear Science....Happy Birthday to you.

Bill Stroud

Dear Science

Wish you many many happy returns of the day!!

Dr. Jacob George

Congratulations to 125th Birthday. Best wishes to the editor!
Cai-Yuan Qiao
Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany
Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Beijing 100093, China

Well, congratulations to all of us. I have been a member for most of my adult life, but have never been a "scientist." Rather, I and a small band of other social workers have been avid followers of the work of AAAS. It informed my work and practice, prior to retirement, as well as improving my teaching as a member of a social work faculty.
Thanks for the information, knowledge, wise (not always, though) discussions, and the attention paid to the world, its inhabitants, and the societies we comprise. Thanks for always standing for honesty and the open ethical discussions that have graced the pages of Science.
I imagine none of us will be here for the 250th Anniversary, so let us revel in the past and work for the future.
Go Well,
Lei Li

Happy 125th Birthday, Science! A LEADER SHEEP!
It's no small achievement - 125 years of disseminating knowledge. Reminiscing on past glory is one way to celebrate a birthday and looking forward to more challenges and excitement is yet another way. Posing questions ranging from the biological basis of consciousness to the challenge of producing an effective HIV vaccine is one way to look at years to come. The optimistic staff of Science has named these challenges for the next quarter century. I’m not sure if we can ever find an answer to some of the questions raised let alone in 25 years – but, it sure promises exciting years to follow.

Good Luck,

Venkataraman Sriram, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow
Indiana University School of Medicine
Indianapolis, IN

It is a formidable enterprise for Science to have been publishing the best scientific achievements for 125 years. We have the best expectations for the future of Science magazine and for Science as a means to continually improve humankind well-being.
Congratulations for this anniversary.

Evelinda Santiago
María Evelinda Santiago Jiménez
División de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigación
Instituto Tecnológico de Puebla
Colonia Maravillas
Puebla 72220

Reading Science is a happy thing to do; working on Science is a life long enjoyment! Happy Birthday to Science!

Happy Birthday, Science, from the American Physical Society and from the Physical Review journals (which are only thirteen years younger than Science) We wish you many more years of publication of and commentary on outstanding scientific research, and of news of science and society.

Martin Blume
AAAS Fellow, Former Chair of the AAAS Physics Section,
Editor-in-Chief, the American Physical Society

I've only been reading Science for 30 years (not 125), but I feel as if
it's been my faithful companion and resource forever. I've been using
the online resources for as long as they've been available. I'm tickled
with the increasing use of Internet and email capabilities. I am one of
many non-scientist readers who value the magazine because we are in
allied professions (environmental planning in my case), have an
interest in the politics of specific scientific issues and just because
it's fun and stimulating.

I value the excellent writing and the efforts to keep non-specialists
informed on developments in a wide spectrum of fields.

Keep up the good work.

Best wishes,


In 1880 Iolani Palace was close to being finished for the King and Queen of Hawaii, eucalyptus and other exotics were re-foresting Oahu, and 600 Norwegians were coming to work the sugar cane fields of Hawaii.
Persistence has a quality all its own.
Aloha from Honolulu.
W. J. Cooke
MER-Marine Environmental Research

Dear Sirs !!

I have been reading your exellent Science-journal for 25 years - and I have always enjoyed it to the extreme - I don`t understand every bit of it - but what I do understand is that: "This Journal Is Something Worth reading" !
Kjell Birger Hetlelid - Norway - pharmacist

Happy Birthday of 125, Science!

James Ho

For a century and a quarter, you have been a guiding beacon in the pursuit of knowledge and truth. Today, with science and the scientific method assailed by the force of religious bigotry and the fear of the ignorant, you remain our last best hope.

Thomas D. Bolden
Professor of Chemistry
Alcorn State University
Member of AAAS since 1997

Happy Birthday, Science...
I wish You dear magazine to continue publishing such interesting articles... What about mine in future?
All the best
Marieta Caganova

I am a urology doctor in Tianjin, China. I am now researching at the UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO with a financial grant from the Department of Health.
I would do my best for the health of people all over the world. I think SCIENCE is one of the most useful magazines in the world.Thank you, SCIENCE.

Greetings and congratulations,

Here's to celebrating the accomplishment of SCIENCE, the scientific journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, reaching its 125th anniversary. It is a fine benchmark and also worthy for the journal to aid in expanding the original vision of founder Thomas Edison not only to promote scientific knowledge of our world, but to serve to promote science for the benefit of our global society. We must acknowledge, after all, that without society there wouldn't be much science at all--science must be cultivated in order to grow.

Also, kudos to SCIENCE for integrating ethnic diversity into the timeline of major discoveries by the extraordinary people whose accomplishments are recorded in the Milestones of Science poster (included in this anniversary issue). It is my hope that we continue to discover and explore new knowledge to promote a greater understanding of our natural environment; and to cultivate the diversity of our society to allow science to flourish and guide us into a healthful and fulfilling future.

Best wishes,

Brian White
Publications Assistant
Letters Department, Science

Congratulations!!! People like me that live in a country where no one pays attention to science know how is important something to help us to improve our knowledge.

Thiago Gomes Martins ; Brazil , Chemistry student

Happy birthday, Science!!
And keep enough air in your lungs to blow out your the next 125 candles!!!
Feliz cumpleaños de todo corazón,

Silvia Zúñiga
Doctorado en ciencias médicas
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

I am delighted and proud to have been a member for more years than I care to think about--but am still distributing copies of Science that I have read, to those who wish to become familiar with it (or can't afford it). I have seen it metamorphose many times. I am now and more than ever, completely convinced that Science, whether the journal or the field is the only hope for our badly gone astray country. You (and "Nature") are about the only strong bulwarks between the Ultra-Religious anti-reality groups, Luddites, "Know-nothings", those for whom the amassing of wealth and the devil take the others'... and any hope for the survival of our badly abused species and planet.
In sincere tribute;
Henry I. Hirshfield, Ph.D.
Prof. Emeritus
Biol. Dept. New York University

Happy birthday Science!!!
For another 125 years...

María Rosa De Luca

Wishing SCIENCE to keep the pace and the great work for much more years.

Carlos A. Llerena
Profesor Principal
Facultad de Ciencias Forestales
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM)
Lima, Peru

I enjoy the Science Contents and News Alerts every week. My favorite is Editors’ Choice.

I congratulate you Science for the excellent work you do.


125 years of enlightenment in the pursuit of knowledge.
Thanks, Science, & Happy Birthday!
Andrew Evans - AAAS Member
SAN Administrator
Pioneer Services
Kansas City, MO

It's your birthday and we continue to get the benefits! I've been with SCIENCE since a mentor gave me a gift subscription before I went off to grad school in the early 70's. Thanks for helping us all keep up with the ever-changing multidisciplinary world of scientific and technological advances. It's the one place I can always turn to for comprehensive overviews and thoughtful analyses of the implications of our collective work. It's good to know that AAAS and the editors and staff keep everyone focused on the broad ramifications of science in the real world.

Margaret S. Race, Ph.D.
SETI Institute
Mountain View, CA

In a world of "secret cabbalistic knowledge"(Koch), & ideologies of eschatological nonsense, we have Science as a true, faithful guide. Science needs nurturing--we'll always have a surfeit of ignorance. "On the face of it, moral 'knowledge' fails to attach to any objective reality in the way that science does" (Churchland-"The Engine of Reason, the Seat of the soul")--------Most happy B-day-- WGD( sundog7).

Happy birthday and thanks for being such a positive influence on scientific communication. I have been a subscriber for 33 years, since the beginning of graduate school. The print version often jumps out of the mailbox before I ever see it, and then shows up later obviously enjoyed by at least one colleague. The cover art is admired even by those not particularly interested in scientific endeavors.

Ann E. Elsner, Ph.D.
Professor, IU School of Optometry
Bloomington, IN

Yes, Happy 125-th Birthday to SCIENCE!
From a guy who has been reading Science for nearly 60 years!
How about that!

Regards to AAAS,

Henry W. Gould, Fellow of AAAS (1963)
Professor of Mathematics,
West Virginia University

Congratulations on 125 years of excellence. You are weekly reading for more reasons than just being a weekly publication.

Sara P. Grady, Ph.D.
Watershed Ecologist, North and South Rivers Watershed Association
Norwell, MA 02061

I'm a bioinformatic student in Israel and I enjoy very much reading SCIENCE.

Wish you many more great discoveries and a very happy birthday, you certainly have something to be proud of!!!!!


Happy Birthday!!

It has been 125 years of absolute excellence that has transformed our way of thinking, while constantly enlightening and changing lives.

I join with you in this great celebration as you continue to take large strides into the future leading the way for a new generation.

All the very best.

Annett Palmer
London, England.

Science, science, science!
Happy birthday!
Miguel Maiorino

125 years ago, what has been published since in Science could scarcely have been imagined. Congratulations to the publication which has documented some of humankind’s greatest achievements. I look with wonder and hope to the next 125 years, to future discoveries, to the synthesis of the great knowledge which has been amassed by the journal, and to the application of Science for the betterment of life.

Jennifer N. Wingard
Center for Advance Research in Biotechnology (C.A.R.B.)
Rockville, MD

Best for the future!

Paul Vjecsner

My best wishes to Science!

Congratulations! Let’s hope that Science will continue to provide high standard of scientific information to all of us. We need sound knowledge in order to fulfill our duties as human beings and citizens.

Happy 125th birthday!

Sevec S., Ph.D

Congratulations on 125 years of Science!
Science continues to play a vital role in the dissemination of the discoveries in science as well as the issues facing science and society. Keep up this important work.
John C. Browne
Fellow, AAAS
Former Director, Los Alamos National Laboratory (1997-2003)

Happy Birthday, friend!
I look forward to seeing you again next week.

Jim Larkin

James Larkin
Scientific Methods Inc.

Happy Birthday, SCIENCE magazine!
We share a July birthday, but I'm just half your age! You've enriched my life, all these years, and helped me decide to make SCIENCE my life's work.

I wish you another 125 years of good content, good readership and a little prosperity too.

Warmest regards,
Tony Bottone
American Chemical Society

Indeed, the existence of AAAS for 125 years is a reason to celebrate.

I appreciate the contributions of AAAS to K-12 science education through Project 2061 and other programs and efforts. Currently, AAAS's support for quality and unadulterated evolution education is extremely important.

Gerald Skoog
Paul Whitfield Horn Professor emeritus
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, TX

My best greetings for your 125th birthday, Science!
R. Fraggetta, M.D.
Milano (Italy)

Who could tell this? 125 years!!!! So young!!! And looks like only 75!!!!! So many questions answered. So many to answer.
Happy Birthday.

Rodrigo F. Bertelli
Rolim de Moura - RO

Congratulations to the premier science and science news journal in the

K. Grant Taylor, AAAS Fellow
Department of Chemistry
University of Louisville

Congratulations and happy 125th birthday, SCIENCE.

Rafael Tosta

Happy 125th!
Enjoyed the poster!
Christina Aurell Wistrom, Ph.D.
Department of Biology
California State University San Bernardino
San Bernardino, CA

"Science" makes science an information system, which, ultimately is what the purpose of science should be......Happy Birthday!...
Ken Morse

Happy Birthday, Science! I have read every issue for 55 of your 125 years, and each has been full of wonder.

George Webster
Fellow, AAAS

Happy 125th Birthday, Science!

Dra. Verónica Narváez Padilla
Facultad de Ciencias, UAEM

I wish you another 125 years of excellence in science publishing.
John E. DuBois

Happy Birthday, Science!

Here's to another 125 years!

A. Deloris Alexander, Ph.D.
Department of Genetics
& The Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27599

Best wishes to our partners at Science and the AAAS for the 125th anniversary … This occasion must merit something rarer than diamonds, but I guess it will be up to Science’s readers to come up with a harder substance (super-borazon?) … You’ll find extended birthday greetings here: http://msnbc.msn.com/id/8390335/

Again, all the best from MSNBC.com … Alan Boyle, science editor

Happy Birthday - and don't worry, you can only get younger with age. I look forward to the next 125 years.

Michael Krause, Ph.D.
Baylor College of Medicine
Department of Neuroscience
Houston, TX

You guys do GREAT work!!! Keep it up!

Dione Drew

Happy 125th Birthday, Science!
I am happy to be a member of AAAS and enjoy my favorite journal, Science.

Li-Xia Yang, MD/PhD

Univ of Pittsburgh


Doug Liles
Program Director
Good Samaritan Institute

Happy 125th, Science!! Thanks also to all of those at Science and the AAAS who make it possible for us to read and contribute to the world's best science magazine.


Philip E. Rubin, Ph.D.
Chief Executive Officer and Vice President

Haskins Laboratories

Congratulations, Science Magazine on your birthday. For the 40+ years of my career you have been my primary means of keeping up with the fast changing world of scientific discoveries and key topics. May you enjoy continued longevity and be the source of information to a new cadre of young scientists on the rise.

John Wassom
Director, Toxicology and BioInformatics
Richland, WA 99352

Thanks for your help.

Ian Tattersall, Curator
Department of Anthropology
American Museum of Natural History

Happy Birthday, Science!

La Multi Ani!

Ionut Sandric, PhD student
Department of Geomorphology
Faculty of Geography, University of Bucharest

Science: The best in the World!

125 years, Congratulations!

Happy 125th anniversary! Science will go on replicating its achievements as long as human beings go on living on this earth.
Ken Dev, Ph.D.
Biotech Consultant and Freelance Writer
Gene Delivery & Expression Sciences

Happy Birthday Science!

F C Gamst

Congratulations for 125 years of outstanding publication of pioneering work. Many recent advances in reproductive science have been reported by Science. It is the first journal we all read.

Sincerely, Phyllis C. Leppert, M.D., Ph.D.
Chief, Reproductive Sciences Branch, and Senior Staff Scientist, Reproductive Biology and Medicine Branch
National Institutes of Child Health and Human Development.

I wish to add my birthday wish for AAAS’s Science journal’s 125th Birthday.

Jerry M. Schroy

Well, congratulations to all of us. I have been a member for most of my adult life, but have never been a "scientist." Rather, I and a small band of other social workers have been avid followers of the work of AAAS. It informed my work and practice, prior to retirement, as well as improving my teaching as a member of a social work faculty.

Thanks for the information, knowledge, wise (not always, though) discussions, and the attention paid to the world, its inhabitants, and the societies we comprise. Thanks for always standing for honesty and the open ethical discussions that have graced the pages of Science.

I imagine none of us will be here for the 250th Anniversary, so let us
revel in the past and work for the future.

Go Well,
David Feldstein

It is a formidable enterprise for Science to have been publishing the best scientific achievements for 125 years, from Edison's electricity to genomics and embryonic stem cells. We have the best expectations for the future of Science magazine and for Science as a means to continually improve humankind well being.
Congratulations for this anniversary.

Luis Benitez-Bribiesca, M.D.
Oncological Research Unit- IMSS, Mexico
Editor-in-chief Archives of Medical Research (Elsevier)

I have been enjoying Science and AAAS membership since my undergrad days in the '60s. I am now in my 60s and a AAAS Fellow. Science is a great teaching resource, both for breakthroughs in science and for news about controversial topics.
Dr. Ruth E. Schmitter
Biology Department
Albion College

Happy 125th. A bright light without which the world would be a much darker place.
Congratulations on the 125th anniversary of Science magazine, from Friends of the Zeiss, which continues to promote the important history of a pioneer in the fields of planetarium studies and informal science education: Pittsburgh's original Buhl Planetarium and Institute of Popular Science.

Glenn A. Walsh

Happy 125th Birthday, Science!

Rita Liu, Ph.D.

Your e-mail message today caused me to reflect for a moment on when I joined AAAS -- and then I realized that it was back at the tender age of 15 exactly 25 years ago! <chuckle>
And as I turn 40 in several more days, I'll look forward to sharing more milestone birthdays with Science for the rest of my life...

Gligor "G" Tashkovich
New York

Science writ large embraces humanity's proudest accomplishments of the last century, yet we would do well to remember that there are many who in their ignorance hold science in low regard. On this significant anniversary, we should recommit ourselves to the advancement of science through better public education such that more people will come to realize that science does much more to solve problems than to create them.

Dean R. Snow
Department of Anthropology
Penn State

Birthday greeting from an old scientist who has been accompanied by AAAS during her long working days.

Dr. Ada Sacchi
Dipartimento Oncologia Sperimentale
Laboratorio Oncogenesi Molecolare
CRS - Istituto Regina Elena

I'm happy to be associated with this great institution that gives voice to the best of modern science and rational thought.

Sheldon M. Ebenholtz

Congratulations with this outstanding celebration, looking forward to many more years of exiting science news ahead.

Best wishes to the editor, editorial staff and publications management staff for their outstanding work in maintaining Science as the outstanding general scientific society journal after 125 years of publication.

John H.Litchfield
(Fellow , AAAS)

125 years of scientific publishing excellence